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Recap Greek Summer Supper Club

One of my favourite dinners to host are my “al fresco” Supper Clubs held in the courtyard at the Bob Rumble Manor. This past July I hosted an all fish/seafood dinner paired with Greek wines and lots of Greek extra-virgin olive oil in all the dishes. A thank you to MT Foods for providing many […]

Chicken Vinsanto

This dish could be made on a weeknight or weekend, packs lots of flavour with mushrooms, herbs, stock and the wine.

Rooster Braised in Wine with Trahana

The French have “Coq au Vin” and us Greeks have “Kokkoros Krasato”. Both dishes are are alike as a rooster gets braised in wine (among other things) but the flavour profile is different. It’s best to not confuse the two dishes. So how does a rooster end up in the kitchen pot and ultimately on […]