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Risotto Like Gemista

Today’s recipe is a risotto that will take just like Gemista. Yes! I served this as one of my courses at a recent Greek Supper Club and it was a hit. The risotto get’s the “gemista” flavour from roasting and pureeing tomatoes and peppers. Clever!

Spanakorizo With Shrimp

Spanakorizo – a classic Greek dish which is literally translated as spinach-rice. There are subtle variances to the dish, depending on the household and my twist is to top it/marry it with shrimp.

Grilled Liver with Pickled Onions

This dish is offal good – grilled liver with pickled onions. You can use lamb, pork or beef/veal liver. The liver gets a quick marinade in olive oil, salt and dried Greek oregano then it gets quickly grilled over high heat.

Lemon Shrimp Linguine

This pasta dish has been in my back pocket of recipes for over a decade. I can cook it on a weeknight, weekend, serve to house guests or catered events. It’s easy, quick, delicious!

Poached Fish with Oil & Lemon Sauce

Poaching fish is another method to cook and enjoy fish. A rich sauce made of reduced poaching liquid, lemon, extra virgin olive, salt and pepper and some herbs.

Tyropitari from Evia

There’s a long, narrow island that runs parrallel to coast of Greece that stretches from just south of Volos to about 60 minutes north of Athens. That island is Evia and today I am going to show you how to make one of their specialties, Tyropitari.

Romaine Salad with Scallions & Dill

Traditionally this salad would be served Spring time and especially for Easter. It’s a salad of finely chopped romaine lettuce, thinly sliced scallions and chopped fresh dill.


One of the regions known for its variety of phyllo pies is Epirus, located in northwestern Greece. Epirotes are also known for making excellent phyllo pies but sometimes life gets in the way and sometimes a quick fix is needed to feed a family/friends/kids,

Enter Alevropita (translated as Flour Pie) that’s quick and assembled less than the time it takes your oven to pre-heat.

Greek Meze and Music Night

Come join us on Sunday, April 14th at St. Lawrence Market Kitchen for a night filled with delicious Greek mezedes, ouzo, tsipouro, wine and live music from The Dimitra Kahrimanidis Trio.

Mushroom Kritharotto

I’ve wrote about/shared a dish called kritharotto – it’s basically cooking kritharaki (Greek orzo) in the style of risotto. Ladles of stock are added to the pan with the pasta as it gets absorbed – giving one a creamy finish to the dish.