Home » Zucchini

Fried Zucchini Tower With Tzatziki

I am writing this post from Montreal, an overdue getaway filled with lots of great food along the way. Estiatorio Milos, now located in Miami, Las Vegas, New York, London, Los Cabos, Athens and of course, Montreal, where the first Milos opened. Although Milos is known for it’s fresh grilled fish and seafood, they have […]

Zucchini Fritters

A long overdue recipe update: the original appeared on my blog on May 28th, 2008. The recipe is basically the same, I play around with the cheese mix sometimes, use scallions or leeks (or what’s in season) and as seen in the photographs here, I like coating them in breadcrumbs and quickly frying them ’til […]

Cretan Summertime Stifado

Have you been to Crete? I’ve been three times and each time I return with much inspiration from regional Cretan cuisine. I also follow, fellow blogger Vaggelio of Cretan Gastronomy, featuring Cretan dishes. Sometimes the ingredients aren’t available but most are adaptable using what you may have at hand. We are definitely in zucchini season, […]

Briam With Halloumi

Briam is a summer dish that is cooked all over Greece and there are several versions and varieties, depending on the region, the home and the cook’s imagination. The basics of Briam are that it is a melange of vegetables, baked in the oven. The usual vegetables are eggplant, zucchini, peppers, tomato and often potatoes […]

Grilled Zucchini Ribbons


Here in southern Ontario (Toronto specifically), the first zucchini are ready and often the bounty overwhelming! Through the summer, I will feature some creative ways to cook up all these veggies coming out of your garden. One of the easiest and tastiest ways to enjoy vegetables is by grilling them. With summer here, the last […]

Spaghetti With Zucchini

I’ve always enjoyed travel shows, especially ones that have a strong focus on the food that is specific to that region. With the Pandemic still limiting the mobility of most, these travel shows are a way for us to escape and perhaps plan on future trips. Enter Stanley Tucci’s “Searching for Italy”, the actor (starred […]

Zucchini Rice With Shrimp

In the northern hemisphere, our gardens are teeming with the bounty of summer and Greeks like to grow zucchini. It’s an easy vegetable to grow and it can be stuffed, fried, grated and use in phyllo pies, raw salads, cakes, fritters and today, rice! The flavours of this dish are inspired by Zucchini Fritters and […]

Shoestring Zucchini Fries

I’ve always loved zucchini chips. Thinly cut with a mandoline and fried until crisp. Served topped with lots of grated Kefalotyri cheese or with a side of tzatziki for dipping. A few years ago, I was having lunch with winemaker Vasillis Papagiannakos at a seaside taverna in Porto Rafti (near Athens airport) and an order […]