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Cream of Chickpea Soup With Shrimp & Oxymeli

This recipe features alot of ancient Greek ingredients: chick peas…this was the starch of the day before potatoes and rice. Then we have shrimp – fish and seafood were prominent in the ancient Greek diet and they still are a big part of the diet in today’s Greece. Oxymeli, a Greek compound word meaning “acid-honey” […]

Spaghetti With Shrimp, Lemon & Saffron

You know what’s in season in Greece right now? Big, fat juicy lemons! Last year when I traveled to Nafplio (Peloponnese) I recall seeing groves and groves of lemon trees lining the roads. It was August so they all looked like limes but I was imagining myself stopping at the side of the road and […]

Scorpion Fish & Venus Clam Chowder

I have little to complain about upon reflecting on the six weeks I’ve spent vacationing in Greece. Despite the cloudy and rainy past couple of days the weather has been sunny, hot and the beaches were clean, not as crowded and the food, ever-inspiring. If if weren’t for yesterday’s cool & rainy day I may […]

Shrimp, Macaroni & Feta

It’s been really busy around the Kalofagas camp – prepping and cooking for over 2000 guests at TUM, planning, recipe-testing and executing my last Greek Supper Club, I’m participating in a Taco Throwdown this week and in between all this I am also entertaining friends from out of town and finding the time to feed […]

Lobster Rolls

The darling food of the Summer has to be lobster rolls. A specialty of New England and found in restaurants specializing in fish and seafood and popular at picnics, backyard parties and even food trucks! A traditional lobster roll contains cooked lobster meat, mayonnaise and often may contain celery and scallions. Lightly seasoned, a squirt […]

Divine Shrimp Boukies (Bites)

The darling  of my last Greek Supper Club had to be these canapes with shrimp butter, poached shrimp and caviar on top. To ensure that these didn’t get gobbled-up prematurely I had sent them out to our hungry guests one platter at a time. This works in theory unless your guests barge into the kitchen […]

Lemon-Pepper Calamari

When you’re hungry (especially during Lent) your belly can inspire you to create the simplest and most delicious dishes. One of the easiest dishes to prepare is fried calamari. One need only find fresh or thawed from frozen squid, mix a bowl of seasoned flour and have the confidence to fry in hot oil. Not […]

Fried Octopus

How many ways are there to prepare octopus? There’s grilled, boiled, baked, I recently tried “sous vide” (and it was fantastic) and now there is fried. Regardless of how you’re going to eat octopus the key is to tenderize it. The old-school way in Greece was to bash it on rocks at the beach, some […]

Herbaceous Green Rice & Shrimp

Green and red, earth and sea, shrimp and mushrooms,  rice and herbs for you and me! Spring is here and the colour I associate the most with the barely new season is green. Here in Toronto we’ve had a mild winter and Spring has been unusually warm with temperature reaching 25 Celcius last weekend. One […]

Crab Kritharotto

The crab, the symbol for my zodiac – Cancer or Karkinos in Greek. In Greek mythology Karkinos was a giant crab that assisted Hydra the nine-headed serpent in its battle with Iraklis (Heracles) at Lerna. The hero crushed it under his foot but as a reward it was placed amongst the stars as constellation Cancer […]