New Orleans King Cake

Around last year, two friends and myself went to New Orleans to take in the food, revelry and history of the Crescent city. We spent one week having lots of fun in one the world’s foremost food cities. Before we embarked on our trip, we made a list of possible places to eat, another list […]
Brussels Sprout Leaf Salad

About three years ago, I served up this salad for a Tsiknopempti-themed Greek Supper Club. It’s unusual, it looks great and tastes wonderful! Brussels sprouts are like little heads of cabbage – I love them! The salad greens here are the leaves, which you would peel off after snipping the stem. Throw in some dried […]

This dessert is for chocolate lovers – an expression of decadence! Sokolatopita is what Greeks call this syrup drenched chocolate cake. It contains cocoa powder, then the cake is drenched as Greeks do, with a syrup contains that contains chocolate as well. For fear of anyone saying this doesn’t have enough chocolate, it’s topped with […]
Golden Beet Salad With Smoked Salmon

I do miss entertaining, catering and hosting cooking classes and Greek Supper Clubs. This salad was served a couple of years ago at one of my seafood-themed supper clubs. I chose golden beets for this dish as the have almost the same colour as the smoked salmon that crowns this salad. My three-citrus dressing, mixed […]
Sfakiano Goat Yiahni

One of the “must see” regions of Greece is the island of Crete. It’s a big island and your strategy would be to either see it over a few visits or concentrate on one area. The westernmost prefecture is Chania and in the southern part facing the Libyan Sea is the Sfakia area. This goat […]
Baby Arugula Salad, Kiwi, Hazelnuts, Manouri Cheese

About a year ago, I hosted a seafood focused Greek Supper Club paying homage to Poseidon. For those who have been to Greece, you know that mountains and sea are everywhere and sometimes the two converge. I offered up this salad with baby arugula, kiwi fruit, hazelnuts and Manouri cheese. Kiwi fruit are grown in […]
Creamy Egg Noodles With Feta

I’ve been enjoying pasta with Feta since I was a kid. It’s a Greek thing. My mom would boil macaroni, spaghetti or egg noodles (hilopites) and toss in some butter and top with crumbled Feta. This version is my adult version with the addition of black pepper and a hint of ground nutmeg. If you […]
Kontosouvli in Parchment

One of my favourite meat dishes is Kontosouvli.…chunks of marinated pork slow-roasted on the spit. Many grill houses in Greece offer it, it can be found offered at “panagyria” or feast day celebrations around the country. Many Greeks will make this on their home rotisseries as part of their Easter offerings (or other celebration) or […]
Chocolate Ganache Tart With Caramel Sauce

Most people love chocolate and to the rest who don’t….what’s the matter with you? We near the end of 2020 and the whole world is ready to welcome 2021. As a New Year’s eve dessert, I say make a chocolate ganache tart. It’s easy to make, can be made ahead of time and when you […]
Pork Fricassee

Winter is almost officially here and heartier Greek dishes enter the cooking rotation. Greek cuisine is rustic, humble and usually economical. Enter the Fricassee dishes. Fricassee is traditionally a French dish that’s been Greek-a-fied. The most popular versions are made with lamb and today, pork. There are lots of vegetables like onions/leeks, leafy greens (many […]