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Sea Bass Baked in Coarse Sea Salt

Recipe update from Feb,01, 2008 This dish isn’t unique to just Greek cuisine. I’ve seen fish baked in coarse sea salt in many countries that hug the Mediterranean basin. Everyone’s in on baking whole fish in a salt crust: Portugal, Spain, France, Italy and Greece.  If I haven’t noted your country, do you folks also […]

Semolina Crusted Pandora With Capers and Kalamata Olives

Living here in Canada and trying to cook Greek food can sometimes be a challenge. Although  I can boast about living in a wonderful and diverse food city like Toronto, not all ingredients are available here for Greek cuisine. The most glaring void would have to be fresh fish from the Mediterranean. Often, I must […]

Pickled Anchovies (Γαύρος-μαριναρισμένος)

By the time you read this post, I will have once again touched-down in Greece – the 20th time! I’m barely ever indoors while I’m here. If I’m not at the breach, then I’m at a cafe or bar having a drink with family & friends. Or I could be out front of our summer […]

Tsantali Ouzo and a Meze Recipe

Last year, I was invited to visit the operations of the Tsantali Winery & Distillery in Agios Pavlos, Halkidiki, Greece. My family has been vacationing in this part of northern Greece since 1980, when our relatives bought their summer homes. The peninsulas of Kassandra and Sithonia are filled to the brim each summer with Greek […]

Pastourma Takes Patience (παστουρμά)

On many occasions I’ve referred to the Greek eating experience as being centered around many sample plates of foods that are shared over drinks, conversation among family and friends. Greek cuisine has alot of appetizers, usually simply prepared but the array is great and the diversity even more so. One facet of Greek appetizers or […]

Herbed Sea Salt

First off, I want to thank everyone who responded and replied to my Blogging Rant (see two posts down in my blog) and also for joining the chorus of pissed off bloggers on the topic of ATK. If you haven’t heard what went on, then you were perhaps on a space shuttle mission or you […]


Keftedes can be simply described as Greek hamburgers. You may have tried a kefte (singular) at a Greek-owned burger joint. You know the ones… where there’s always a souvlaki and a home burger on the menu? As a Greek, I grew up on these: grilled in the summer, fried or baked in the cold months. […]