Quince Spoon Sweet

Quince…quinces for plural (for the record). Us Greeks call them “Kydonia” and they are part of the genus of fruits that also contain apples and pears. No wonder quinces look like a cross between the two fruits! This fruit, often referred to as the original “forbidden fruit” is ripe for picking in Autumn. They still […]
Short Cut Cherry Spoon Sweet

My favourite of the spoon sweets is Sour Cherry (Vissino glyko). It’s not as sweet as the others and it pairs well with so many things like ice cream, yogurt, the best topping for cheesecake and I’ve even used it as part of a BBQ sauce! Like many spoon sweet recipes, they are easy […]
Carrot Spoon Sweet

The past few years while visiting in Greece, I’ve seen Carrot Spoon Sweet (Glyko Karotou). Spoon sweets are a category of fruit and vegetable preserves that are offered by hosts/hostesses when a guest visits their home. Restaurants/tavernas are known to also offer a “kerasma”..a treat if you will to their dining guests. On a few […]
Six Great Taste Awards for Marianna’s Products

It is with great pride that I share some great news for an organic producer of Greek food products, Marianna’s from Halkidiki. I first met Marianna and her family a few years ago, after learning that the base of their operations are just 6 km. away from our summer home. Located just outside of Nea […]
Pickled Wild Grape Vine Shoots

Stories of my ancestors were usually related by my mother or one of her sisters. Stories kept my family connected with my mother’s side of the family who mostly still live back in Greece. My mom would paint stories of how my grandmother was like, how my grandfather was like, how aunts and uncles were […]
Hosafi – Compote of Dried Fruit

Having been back in Canada now for a few days and almost over the jet lag, I’ve had plenty of time to think about how begin writing about this past summer’s vacation to Greece. For starters, I did spend any time in Athens (other than some dead time waiting for connecting flights to/from Thessaloniki). This […]
Fig Jam (Μαρμελάδα σύκο)

If you’re a frequent reader of this blog you will have seen and read the many reasons why so many people visit Greece: the sun, the beaches, history, monuments, museums, nightlife, the food, the wine, the fresh vegetables and fruit. Today we’re going to pay particular attention to the fruit – figs to be more […]
Pickled Anchovies (Γαύρος-μαριναρισμένος)

By the time you read this post, I will have once again touched-down in Greece – the 20th time! I’m barely ever indoors while I’m here. If I’m not at the breach, then I’m at a cafe or bar having a drink with family & friends. Or I could be out front of our summer […]
Iberian Acorn Ham

Last month, just in time for Christmas, my dear friend Nuria of Spanish Recipes sent me a package containing vacuum-sealed Iberian Acorn Ham. For those not in the know, Iberian Acorn Ham is a cured ham which is only produced in Spain the meat comes from free-range hogs that feed on only what’s in the […]
Preserving Grape Vine Leaves

First off, allow me to wish all the dads out there a Happy Father’s Day and may you never EVER again receive the gift of an ugly neck tie! Next, a little follow up. Some people have been wondering about Petimezi, which I used in a glaze for my grilled quail. Petimezi is made from […]