
There are about 11 million Greeks in today’s Greece and about another 11 million throughout the rest of the world. Greeks have long traveled beyond familiar land and have made their new beginnings in far off lands. Eons ago, Greeks had settlements in Egypt, as far west as southern France and as far east as […]
Pickled Green Beans – Φασολακια Τουρσι (Στίπα)

A few weeks back I made Hosafi, a dish from the Pontian Greeks and I alluded that I would share with you in due course and the time has come. This past summer in Greece, I spent a weekend visiting the diverse, delicious and distant city of Xanthi…a Greek city closer to the Turkish border […]
Perek or Fillota (Περέκ ή Φυλλωτά)

Today, the World Cup of Soccer begins with the host nation being South Africa. Canada’s team did not qualify but Greece’s team did. Soccer (Football) is by far the world’s most popular sport and people will be watching the tournament for the next month. Some will be following the favoured teams (like Brazil), others will […]