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Spaghettini With Tarama & Greek Yogurt

Growing in a Greek household, yogurt has been part of our diet since as early as I can recall. My mom would make homemade yogurt starting with a large pot of milk on the stovetop that she would bring to just scalding then take off the heat and add reserved batch/starter of yogurt and allow […]

Pasta Salad With Feta, Sun-dried Tomato & Spinach

Pasta salads are hit and miss….usally more miss. The reasons why a pasta salad may flop could be too much fat (usually mayonaisse), too much acid, the pasta is tossed while still warm or hot, pasta is under-seasoned or simply no flavour. I created this pasta salad with an eye on flavour and the other […]

Spaghetti With Peas & Pork

Another sure sign of late Spring/early Summer is the arrival of fresh green peas at the market stands. Many of you may be making a mint soup (hot or cold), pairing it with mint (or dill) or simply serving it as a side dish. All are fine but I think I have a fab new […]

The One Skillet Chicken Parmesan

One aspect of the kitchen that I’ve really never enjoyed is washing pots, pans – doing the dishes. Sometimes it can’t be avoided and other times I might even forego making something that requires a lot of clean-up…depends on my mood I suppose. Sometimes I also crave a dish but I don’t want the huge […]

Hearty Winter Vegetable Soup

Although we’ve had a pretty mild winter by Canadian standards, we do still get the abrupt reminder that we (Canadians) live in the Great White North (Canada) and that yes, winters here are a long and cold. Last week we had temperatures that only warmed up to -8 Celcius in the day time and dipped […]

Kotopoulo (Chicken) Maskouli

A couple of years ago while vacationing in Greece, I was up in my Dad’s town (Amynteo) and even though I always enjoy going back to visit the region of my ancestors…I’ve grown tired of chasing chickens (think Rocky Balboa). Amynteo is about 90 minutes north-west of Thessaloniki, in the region of Florina. Beside  Florina […]

Fettucine With Mushroom Bolognese

If you saw the Pork dish I made last night, you too would want to have a vegetarian dish as a follow-up meal. I’m also really excited to share this recipe for a Mushroom Bolognese sauce. This pasta dish is for those that love mushrooms and you’re looking for a way to serve them as […]

White Giouvetsi With Chicken

Sometimes, less is more with a dish. When quality ingredients are selected, they should be allowed to shine, without sharing the stage (in this case the plate). I’ve been hankering for home-spun dishes of late…is it the cold? That we’re in January and full-on in the Winter Blues or that’s just the “food space” that […]

Giouvesti With Keftedes

During the holidays (December) most of us were running at a fast clip with work-related parties, dinners with family and friends and the big dinners around Christmas and New Year’s. December was a month to add some extra cheese, use more butter, creams, that extra-thick steak and ask for seconds of rich dessert. A lot […]

Striftaria Pasta With Chickpeas, Shrimp & Crispy Bacon

The cold weather is here and last week I made three soups with the latter being this thick, rustic and very filling chickpea soup. The soup eats like a meal with maybe just some crusty bread on the side or serve a smaller serving if you wish the soup to be merely a starter. This […]