Sesame Halva Balls

In Greece, we love our Halvah but the definition can be a little confusing, as there are a few different varieties. One kind of halva is made from semolina and it’s often made into a dessert with nuts and fruit. The next halva is made of caramelized sugar, butter and corn starch and it’s a […]
Arogaia Rain-Fed Herbs From Greece

I love receiving packages – it could be a new cookbook I ordered or a package with some unique product sent to me by the many friends I have around the world. Such was the case yesterday when a package arrived from Greece, containing dried herbs from Arogaia, a new company. Many of the herbs […]
Christmas Gift Guide For Greeks + Giveaway

It’s that time again to offer some Christmas gift ideas for those who are Greek, wish you were Greek or you have a Greek in your life that you would like to buy a present for. I’ve gathered an array of gift ideas, some are stocking stuffers, some small gifts, some bigger and something for […]
In Praise of Kasseri Cheese

The chatter among Greek food-a-philes of late is that Greeks eat more cheese per capita than any other nationality. Even more than the French! We don’t have cheese courses (at least not in a traditional way) but it appears on our breakfast table, in cheese pies, on salads, part of meze platter, on pasta, in […]
Six Great Taste Awards for Marianna’s Products

It is with great pride that I share some great news for an organic producer of Greek food products, Marianna’s from Halkidiki. I first met Marianna and her family a few years ago, after learning that the base of their operations are just 6 km. away from our summer home. Located just outside of Nea […]
Best of Greek Food 2013

I’m back from Greece and I return with lots of fond memories of my vacation spent with family and friends. In the coming days, weeks, months you will read of the places I visited, read of my favourite destinations and delight in the food and recipes I’ve brought back from Greece. While in Greece, I […]
Tour of Krinos Canada Facility

I’ve been having a wonderful time here in Greece so far this summer and one of the aspects I love about my vacation is that everywhere I go, there’s fresh, local Greek food products available. I eventually will have to go back to Canada and as reality sets in, so to will the fact that […]
Spaghetti With Roasted Cherry Tomatoes & Dry Mizithra Cheese

Last weekend brought the end to the meat-eating phase of Apokries (Greek Carnival) and now Greeks are in the homestretch – the last week of Apokries. It’s Tyrini or Cheesefare Week with many Greeks forgoing meat and only eating dishes with cheese…lots of cheese! Pasta’s popularity goes beyond the happy bellies of Italian diners and […]
Greek Christmas Gift Guide 2012

This year I am jumping in early and joining the other Christmas wish lists out there circulating. If you’re a regular visitor of this site then you are Greek, have Greek friends or family or you just love everything Greek. Below are some gift ideas I have compiled with a little Canadiana mixed in. Some […]
Candias Oil From Crete

Last month when I went down to “the Danforth” (Toronto’s Greektown) for the March 25th Greek Independence Day parade I sadly found out that one of the oldest Greek general stores was closing. Could it that many Greeks live in the ‘burbs and buy their ingredients elsewhere? Or do they buy from non-Greek businesses like […]