Spaghetti With Shrimp, Lemon & Saffron

You know what’s in season in Greece right now? Big, fat juicy lemons! Last year when I traveled to Nafplio (Peloponnese) I recall seeing groves and groves of lemon trees lining the roads. It was August so they all looked like limes but I was imagining myself stopping at the side of the road and […]
Kozani Style Cabbage Rolls With Tomato & Saffron

The most common and well-known cabbage rolls for Greeks are made with an Avgolemono Sauce. The the rest of the world, most of you are more familiar with cabbage rolls with a tomato sauce. Us Greeks have that in our repetoire too! Today, I introduce you to Kozani Style Cabbage Rolls (lahanodolmades in Greek) with […]