Ham Croquettes

Carnival for Greeks is happening now (til March 2nd) and while there will be no parades or parties, one can still celebrate by cooking up some decadent dishes as home. Enter croquettes…logs of fried goodness filled with potato, cheese or meat (or seafood). In this instance, I am going with diced ham. In Holland, veal […]
Coca Cola Ham Recipe

This recipe is for those looking to do something different, other than roast turkey. Don’t get me wrong, I love roast turkey but I’m keen on having it back to back. A problem I was presented with this past weekend as Canadians celebrated Thanksgiving. Enter ham. Hams are cooked and they come boneless, bone-in, honey […]
Kozani Style Cabbage Rolls With Tomato & Saffron

The most common and well-known cabbage rolls for Greeks are made with an Avgolemono Sauce. The the rest of the world, most of you are more familiar with cabbage rolls with a tomato sauce. Us Greeks have that in our repetoire too! Today, I introduce you to Kozani Style Cabbage Rolls (lahanodolmades in Greek) with […]