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Seared Lemon Salmon With Green Beans and Bulgur

When I’m in Greece, I notice lots of folks there buying and eating salmon, even though it comes from Norway and Greeks have a wide array of small, medium and large fish from Mediterranean waters. When in Greece, I don’t eat salmon but now that I am back in Canada, we have plenty of wild […]

Kritamos on the Danforth

Toronto’s Greektown aka The Danforth has been a street in transition and it sorely needed to have  injection of fresh, new Greek eating establishments. Enter Kritamos, located on the south side of the Danforth, between Chester and Logan. Kritamos was opened by Brian Li and he’s brought Chef Kypros Soteriou (Mandolin Aegean Bistro in Miami) […]

Grilled Butterflied Whiting With Lemon & Oregano

Time and time again while visiting Greece, I love visiting the markets with all the fresh fruits and vegetables, listening to the butchers tout their meats and inspecting the catch of the day at the fish and seafood shops. Unlike in North America where the norm is to view and purchase filleted fish, here in […]

Seared Halibut With Greens & Chickpeas

Here in Canada we still have snow on the ground. A cruel joke served by Mother Nature after having a mostly mild winter here in the Great White North. Back in Greece, they survived a relatively mild winter, sparing many Greeks who feared the cold with little money or means to heat their homes. The […]

Monkfish With Kritharaki, Fennel & Orange

One of my favourite fish is monkfish or angler fish. In Greece they call this fish peskandritsa and it usally is big, it’s fugly but it’s versatile and delicious. If you’re the type that doesn’t want to fuss with pin bones, no worries. Monkifish is large, triangular with the the body tapering as you near […]

Olive Oil Poached Cod With Spanakorizo

I love fish and seafood and when I am in Greece I probably eat it in some form every day. Despite living in Canada where we have a very good supply of fish and seafood, there’s a lack in Mediterranean seafood and that’s okay. Eat local, right? This past summer I did a cooking gig […]

Pan-Seared Sea Bream With Spinach, Fennel & Avgolemono Sauce

This dish comes from Greece, handed to me from my mom who tried the dish via a family friend, Kuria (Mrs.) Anna. For this dish I used sea bream (tsipoura) filets but you can use any white fish filets (preferably with skin on). I like the skin on fish – when it is crispy and […]

Scorpion Fish & Venus Clam Chowder

I have little to complain about upon reflecting on the six weeks I’ve spent vacationing in Greece. Despite the cloudy and rainy past couple of days the weather has been sunny, hot and the beaches were clean, not as crowded and the food, ever-inspiring. If if weren’t for yesterday’s cool & rainy day I may […]

Makaronada With Tuna, Roast Peppers & Capers

  Use what’s around you, in season and as local as possible. Here in Greece I’ve been enjoying my summer vacation with those who mean so much to me: my family, relatives, good friends. Its been hot here in Greece since July and since I’ve been here (early August) we’ve had temperatures reaching well over […]

Ouzo-Cured Salmon

When I speak to friends who attended the Thalassa Supper Club I got varying opinions on who liked what the most. One of the dishes I was very pleased with is an Ouzo-cured salmon I served as part of a trio of appetizers to begin the evening. You need a fresh as can be salmon, […]