Artisan Bread in Almost 5 Minutes
It’s been a decade since I began to make and bake my own bread at home. I haven’t made anything too adventurous – crusty loaves of bread, pizza dough, pita bread, Koulouria. I’d like to make a good loaf for sandwich bread and that’s a project in the near future. In the meantime, I continue […]
Ekmek Kataifi
One summer while in Greece I had the pleasure of also visiting Constantinople (Istanbul) for a second time. Prior to heading to this huge foodie destination, I knew (and wanted) to sample the many desserts and sweets that were on offer. This post is more about a dessert that’s taken another form from it’s original […]
Black Eyed Peas Salad
I first featured a black eyed peas recipe way back in 2009. In Greek, we call them “mavromatakia” which is pretty close to the English description. Last year I visited New Orleans for the first time and I became familiar with the local cuisine and traditions. I also read about the southern tradition of eating […]
Chocolate Ganache Tart With Caramel Sauce
Most people love chocolate and to the rest who don’t….what’s the matter with you? We near the end of 2020 and the whole world is ready to welcome 2021. As a New Year’s eve dessert, I say make a chocolate ganache tart. It’s easy to make, can be made ahead of time and when you […]
Chocolate Chip Shortbread Cookies
I miss traveling. Planes, trains and automobiles but mostly planes. Pre-Covid days, air travel was becoming a pain because of security precautions, check-in deadlines, inclement weather. I’ve flown in business class on occasion and yes, the experience is better than in economy but air travel has a certain degree of stress. Here in Toronto, we […]
The first time I saw a Peinirli was when the bus I was riding on from Thessaloniki to Amynteon (parents’ home town); the bus made a 20 minute stop in Edessa and some passengers were grabbing a “peinirli” to snack on. During many trips to Greece since, I’ve seen Peinirli at bakeries and there are […]
Schnitzel with Smyrneiko Sauce
I came up with this dish about a decade ago and was reminded of the dish in a recent “facebook memory” that popped up. The gist of the dish is marrying a schnitzel with a Smyrni (Smyrneiko) style tomato sauce, aromatic with a pinch of cinnamon. Serve with rice pilaf and it’s a wonderful meal […]
Caribou – French Canadian Beverage
Last year (2019), some friends and I visited Quebec City to enjoy the festivities during the Quebec Winter Carnival. Quebec city is pretty, old buildings covered in snow, great places for dinner and drinks and lots of public activities to partake in. We dressed in layers and also read up that locals and visitors make […]
Pork Fricassee
Winter is almost officially here and heartier Greek dishes enter the cooking rotation. Greek cuisine is rustic, humble and usually economical. Enter the Fricassee dishes. Fricassee is traditionally a French dish that’s been Greek-a-fied. The most popular versions are made with lamb and today, pork. There are lots of vegetables like onions/leeks, leafy greens (many […]
Greek Omelet With Fries and Sausages
When it comes to eggs, Greeks love to have them for dinner. Fried, scrambled with Feta and tomato or, with potatoes. It’s a shared plate, as a main or appetizer course. Today’s egg dish will remind you of a Spanish tortilla but it’s Greek all the way. Greeks will whip up egg dishes as a […]