LIVE WEBINAR: Greek Easter Baking

I am excited to be back in the kitchen. This will be my first live cooking class open to people all around the world! Participants will experience a LIVE demonstration and be able to join in the conversation while following along at home. Each participant will receive detailed recipes for making Easter Koulourakia (cookies), Paximadia […]
Greek Easter Baking Class – Montreal

I am excited to be offering a Greek Easter baking workshop. We’ll share our family’s recipes for making Easter Koulourakia (cookies), Paximadia (Greek biscotti), and finally, we’ll share our secrets for making the best Tsoureki with an array of braided shapes. The class is limited to just 12 spots so get’em before they’re gone! Join […]
Greek Easter Recipe Round-Up

Many of you have visited my Recipe Round-Up for Lent and I hope that I’ve helped you find some interesting dishes to break-up the monotony of the usual Lenten fare. We’re fast approaching Greek Easter and preparations are already beginning in my household! Greek Easter is centered around lamb or goat and the whole day […]
Lamb on the Spit (αρνί-στη-σούβλα)

It’s the day after Easter and it’s also the Feast of St. George so my best wishes and “Hronia Polla” go out to all the George’s out there. I have to admit I’m quite today. Yesterday was a huge success. Toronto basked in a glorious and sunny 20C with little wind. Greek Easter is meant […]

Last month, we celebrated Easter and when I mean celebrate, we prepare a full-on Sunday feast with food being served from morning ’til night. You would too if you fasted from meat and meat by-products for a 40-day Lent period. The center of the Greek Easter table is lamb (or goat) and nothing gets wasted […]
Mushroom Magheritsa Soup

When Greeks return from the Anastasi service at church (Saturday Easter eve), the first thing to go into the mouths is a bowl of Magheritsa. This is a traditional soup made of boiled intestines (cleaned) and other offal (such as heart, lung, liver and sweetbreads). The soup is full of boiled greens, dill, parsley, scallions […]
Coca Cola Ham Recipe

This recipe is for those looking to do something different, other than roast turkey. Don’t get me wrong, I love roast turkey but I’m keen on having it back to back. A problem I was presented with this past weekend as Canadians celebrated Thanksgiving. Enter ham. Hams are cooked and they come boneless, bone-in, honey […]
Cypriot Style Lamb Souvla

A few years ago I attended the annual Cypriot Festival, as hosted by Toronto’s Cypriot Community here in Toronto. There were lots of regional dishes from Cyprus but I was intrigued the most by the large chunks of meat that were slow-roasting over a charcoal rotisserie. The Cypriots’ preferred way to roast lamb (or goat) […]
Leftover Idea – Tsoureki Paximadia

Greeks are resourceful folks who don’t like to waste or throw away food. This past Orthodox Easter fell on May 5th and that means the aroma of baked Tsoureki fills the home. Tsoureki is Greek Easter bread with a distinct aroma of mastiha and mahlepi. Looks like challah but sweeter, more aromatic and yes, better. […]
Greek Food Gazette 26/04/2013

I am now accepting orders (Toronto only) for Easter Tsoureki (as in photo above), $10 per loaf, order by April 30 at truenorth67 AT New Guinness world record for longest/largest Tsoureki in the world A feel good video with a behind the scenes look at Greece’s National Guard (Evzones) GAEA takes silver at New […]