Easy Chocolate and Orange Cakes

Christmas is almost here and surely you’ll finalizing your menu and editing down your entertaining options. The holiday conundrum? Coming up with interesting dishes while still being able to spend time with family and friends rather in the kitchen. Help is here with this quick (even make ahead) chocolate cake recipe that essentially requires you […]
Banana Cream Custard Phyllo Bundles

Made this dessert for my cousin a couple of years ago with some leftover phyllo and once again this week after having some leftover phyllo from making last week’s Lemon Meringue Phyllo Tarts. Sometimes there are recipes that call for a partial package of phyllo and with a little creativity you an use up the […]
Aspro/Mavro (White & Black)

This recipe comes courtesy of a neighbor of ours in Halkidiki, where my family’s summer home is located in Greece. Halkidiki is located in northern Greece, consists of three peninsulas that are situated just east of Greece’s second-largest city, Thessaloniki. One day I went to a neighbor’s home that had some new-born puppies that another […]
All-In-One-Pan Squares

All the Christmas baking is done, I have one more recipe to show you but I figure I’d sneak in this super-easy treat that dangerous to make. Anytime a recipe with condensed milk appears in it, beware…you just may double or triple the recipe with all the calories going straight to your hips and ass. […]
Chocolate Baklava

Perhaps one of the best known and popular Greek desserts is Baklava. Greeks have made & enjoyed Baklava for ages and it’s popularity is further evidenced by versions of Baklava appearing in Turkish, Middle-Eastern and Persian cuisines. Baklava is essentially made of layers of phyllo sandwiching a nut and spice mixture in the middle. A […]
Chocolat Mousse

Here in Canada, we have our own Food Network. It has it’s own original name, “Food Network Canada” (how creative). Us Canadians are uptight about “foreign” influences and our government tries to protect our industries from foreign domination (US) and dually to promote Canadian content in literature, print media, television, radio, music and even commercials. […]
Merenda, The Other Nutella

Jenn, the Leftover Queen just posted a cupcake that contained dates and Nutella. You know, that chocolate spread in a jar that you secretly eat spoonfuls of? Yeah, that choocolate spread. Not to be left out, the Greeks also have their own brand out in the market, called Merenda. While in Greece, I’ve tried both […]
Chocolate Kormos With Orange Juice

I found this recipe from the web site of a popular Greek food show called the Nistiko Arkoudi or Hungry Bear. The show’s title comes from a play on a Greek saying, “a hungry bear never dances”. If you take a look at this show’s “big bear list of recipes” you’ll no doubt see that […]