Pork Chops With Mushrooms and Red Peppers

One of the sources of inspiration for my cooking is to be found right here in Canada. I’ve relayed to you how I live in a multi-cultural country where many influences cross, overlap and borrow from each other. I don’t think one can really “pin down” Canadian food other than it being diverse, both comforting […]
The Cheese Boutique

My blog has been trucking along since the Spring of 2007 and most of you are familiar with my travels to Greece and love of my native cuisine, Greek food. Being a Greek who lives abroad (Diaspora), I feel lucky that my parents chose Canada as the country of choice to start a new life […]
Grilled Pork Chops With Mustard, Honey & Sage

Anyone living in Canada or anyone who’s visited here or knows a Canadian, will understand why we’re sometimes called “crazy canucks”. From a cooking perspective, throw any bad weather at us and if we want to eat something grilled, we’ll grill it in the worst of weather conditions. I’ll grilled outdoors when it’s pouring rain, […]
Back in Black

Today, I’m cooking with a black ingredient, a new ingredient. I’m talking about black trumpet mushrooms. The black trumpet is a Chanterelle mushroom and although you may not find them fresh at your market, one can easily find the dried variety (which I bought at my local Asian store). I don’t think I’ve ever cooked […]
No Fear Blogging

One of the bonuses of food blogging is you sometimes get to meet your fellow bloggers. An even rarer occurance is when you meet one from your same town/city and you greet each other as though we were old friends getting together to play “catch up” and spend the day together. Such was the case […]
Happy Birthday Canada

July 1st is Canada Day or our nation’s birthday. Tomorrow this young country will turn 141 and I’m every bit a proud Canadian as I am Greek. Canada is a nation of the Native peoples, the French and English majority and the multicultural mosaic that’s made up of all the other ethnicities. I’m grateful for […]
Fiddleheads belong to the fern family of plants and from my knowledge, they only grow in the northeast of Canada and the United States. Their growing season is relatively small and yesterday I bought them for $3.99/lb. – not exactly cheap. From what I’ve read, they are best picked when they just emerge from the […]
Step Aside Coconut Shrimp

There’s a new kid in town, he’s Almond-Crusted Shrimp. I’ll still adore and eat coconut shrimp but this appetizer is closer to home. The crust is of almonds. There are lots of almonds in Greece. I’m Greek-Canadian, the dish screams Greek, the recipe source is from Canada, I’m born in Canada and… my blog is […]
Shrimp, Cocktail Sauce and the Akward Title

Is it really possible to include shrimp and cocktail in the same sentence? I couldn’t resist! LOL As I’ve said in my last blog entry, I’ll be fasting until tomorrow, then eating modestly up to Holy Week and then fasting up to Greek Easter. Shellfish are perfectly fine for my fasting tastes. Who doesn’t like […]
Cream of Butternut Squash Soup

This easy, healthy and delicious soup will warm your belly and soul.