Seared Lemon Salmon With Green Beans and Bulgur

When I’m in Greece, I notice lots of folks there buying and eating salmon, even though it comes from Norway and Greeks have a wide array of small, medium and large fish from Mediterranean waters. When in Greece, I don’t eat salmon but now that I am back in Canada, we have plenty of wild […]
Bulghur Salad With Nuts, Honey, Cheese, Pomegranate

I made this salad this past Sunday for guests who attended my Ancient Greek Food & Wine dinner. The main ingredient here is bulghur wheat, an ancient ingredient made of cracked durum wheat, parboiled and then dried. It gets sifted and then separated according to the size of the kernels. It’s a whole grain, super-healthy […]
Bulgur Salad

Ever had/eaten bulgur wheat? If the answer is no then I’ll ask again…have you ever eaten Tabbouleh Salad? Ahhh, now I see lots of hands up in the air! Bulgur wheat is found in cuisines around the Middle East and it’s also found in Greek cooking. Bulgur is a grain that is soaked in boiling […]
Backyard Birthday BBQ

This past Sunday was my birthday and I invited some friends over for some good drink, delicious food and hearty laughs. The weekend forecast was for hot summer days, little humidity. The clouds rolled in just before guests arrived and there was a little bit of rainfall. The clouds left, happy to have teased us […]
Simit Kebab (σημίτ-κεμπάπ)

While I’m not in Greece during the summer, I’m still connected and wired to the homeland via internet, Skype, telephone and satellite radio and television. Few television shows can resist including a cooking segment. I recently caught Greek cookbook author and TV personality, Maria Loi on a weekend show where she prepared a dish called […]
Keftedes With Pligouri, Fresh Herbs and a Lemon Verbena Yogurt Sauce

Each time I visit Greece (count 20 times), I come back to Canada just a little more Greek, a little less “Canadian”. Don’t get me wrong, Canada is the best place in the world to live but the climate here sucks and that’s a big BUT. Otherwise, why wouldn’t the world’s second largest country have […]