Christmas Gift Guide For Greeks + Giveaway

It’s that time again to offer some Christmas gift ideas for those who are Greek, wish you were Greek or you have a Greek in your life that you would like to buy a present for. I’ve gathered an array of gift ideas, some are stocking stuffers, some small gifts, some bigger and something for […]
Cafe Frappe With Ouzo

Last month saw travel to the Boston area, where I was invited to do some cooking demos at the St. Spyridon Grecian Festival in Worcester, Mass. (just outside of Boston). The Greek community of Worcester is an old, established one with the earliest Greeks arriving there in the 1900’s. This rock-solid Greek community has a […]
Greek Coffee (Ελληνικός-καφές)

I love the ritual making Greek coffee: Measuring out the water with a demi-tasse then emptying it in the demi-tasse cup, adding the almost powder-like ground coffee and sugar to taste and watching over the “briki” coming to a boil, of waiting for the coffee grounds to settle and then, sipping it until you taste […]
Greek Summer Sangria

How’s your summer been so far? Mine’s been wonderful…spending time with good friends and I’ve also met some wonderful new people…added into the friendship fold I have! I’m heading off to Greece tomorrow for my annual summer vacation, seeing family, friends and likely to make more new friends. I’m not sure where I’m going this […]
Paradosiako (Παραδοσιακο)

Yesterday morning I reached out to another one of my many friends who reside here in Thessaloniki. Greece’s second largest city has a population of about 1 1/2 million but it still has the feel of a large “horio” or town and I mean this in a good way. Practically everywhere you go you will […]
Mint Julep

I’m still enjoying the fine Spring weather we’ve been having here in the Toronto area. I’ve been sitting outdoors alot, getting some sun, tending to the herbs and working on some summer recipes. In the garden, the prolific mint bullies some other plants and something must be done. I’ve been enjoying the Mint Julep cocktail. […]
Cafe Tempest: Adventures on a Small Greek Island
This entry will be my first “book review” other than anything I’ve written with regards to cookbooks. I was recently contacted about receiving and reviewing “Cafe”, what with my fixation on Greek food & Greece…I’m a natural, right? I of course accepted as I’m preparing for this year’s trip to Greece and I knew a […]
Skinos on the Rocks

Most of you are enjoying a leisurely Easter long weekend. I do hope you’re spending time with family and friends, enjoying good food and good cheer. Today I’m going to introduce to you Skinos, a liqueur made from mastic (mastiha) gum. Mastiha is a resinous sap produced from the trunk and branches of the Mastic […]
Thank You’s, Shout Outs and an Iced Tea
This morning I received wonderful news that I won the Royal Foodie Joust(RFJ) with my Apricot and Pistachio cake. I would like to all of you for your comments and especially those that took the time to join and vote. I would also like to congratulate Marija and Anniepooh, who were the other two […]
Cafe Frappe

Cafe Frappe (“ka-fay – fra-pay”) is how it’s pronounced and this beverage rivals the oft drank Greek coffee. This is the Greek version of an ice coffee, simple to make, refreshing and delicious. Play around with the flavours…add some chocolate or french vanilla syrup, top it with whipped cream. Before I lay out how to […]