Recipe for Copenhagen Dessert

The dessert you see here has nothing to do with the Danish capital and surprisingly, mention of Copenhagen and many Greeks do not even know it exists in the Greek repetoire of desserts. Copenhagen is a syruped dessert that looks like a Baklava on the surface but once you cut into it you see that […]
Trigona Panoramatos

Ever wondered where the origin of some words come from? Try Panorama…yep that’s Greek (formed from Greek πᾶν “all” + ὅραμα “sight”) and it’s also a suburb that overlooks the entire span of Thessaloniki from what used to be Esso Papas from the west to Makedonia Airport to the east. Panorama is known for it’s […]
Arugula Salad With Manouri Cheese and Citrus Ouzo Dressing

When I host my Greek Supper Clubs, it’s a busy day and evening as I have to wear many hats: event coordinator, cook and host. There are lots on the go, I love it and I always make time to make my rounds from table to table to say to people who have become friends […]
Warm Bean Salad With Cherry Tomatoes & Mint

One of my favourite salads for the warm months is this warm bean salad with cherry tomatoes and mint. Oh yes, I’ve snuck in some dried Greek oregano in there but mint alone is fine. Beans are very filling, a good way to skip some carbs and the dressing has a nice balance of sweet […]
Giannotiko Style Baklava

My apologies for not posting at my usual pace but it continues to be busy around here: just submitted the manuscript for my first cookbook (in stores November), now I have to work on the photographs, I am busy organizing my Greek Supper Clubs, Greek Easter just past and here we are. Time flies. The […]
Roasted Beets With Almond-Potato Skordalia

This dish is a play on a Greek favourite – roasted beet salad with lots of garlic. This is a side dish enjoyed my many and more creative types have even come up with doing a mash-up (pun intended) of a beet skordalia. Inspired by a dish from the Kokkari cookbook and restaurant in San […]
Makaronia With Tarama

A recent article by Diana Farr Louis titled “Cucina Povera – Greek Style” got me thinking about all the tasty dishes in Greek cookery that were concocted during times of poverty and necessity. There’s the Macedonian Makalo, a flour-based sauce, there’s potato stew (Yiachni), the countless boiled greens harvested from the countryside, Bobota (bread from […]
Lemon Halva

Last year was a pretty good year on a personal level. The blog keeps on rising in popularity, I’m cooking the best food I’ve ever showcased here and I’m meeting some wonderful people – all not possible had I not created this blog back in 2007. Last year I was invited to attend the Sani […]
Banana Cream Custard Phyllo Bundles

Made this dessert for my cousin a couple of years ago with some leftover phyllo and once again this week after having some leftover phyllo from making last week’s Lemon Meringue Phyllo Tarts. Sometimes there are recipes that call for a partial package of phyllo and with a little creativity you an use up the […]
Halvas Farsalon

Most Greeks are named after patron saints (others given ancient Greek names) and each person celebrates their “name day” on the day their namesake (patron saint) died. The saint’s memory is celebrated along with all those named after that particular saint on that particular day. There are name days practically every day in Greece (many […]