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Fluffy Dinner Rolls

Fluffy Dinner Rolls

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Roll cut in half

Sometimes when out for a banquet/dinner/wedding at a hotel or banquet hall, baskets of dinner rolls arrive with plates of butter also on the table.

Often, I am hungry and I wait for the go ahead to grab a roll (or two), smear some butter and bite into these pillows of gluten goodness.

Yesterday I enjoyed Thanksgiving Dinner with my family and I made these rolls to complement the meal.

Biting into these bread rolls makes one grateful and thankful. Enjoy!

Fluffy Dinner Rolls

Recipe by Peter MinakiCourse: Appetizer


Prep time


Cooking time




  • Pre-heated 375F oven

  • 1 cup warm whole milk

  • 1/4 cup granulated sugar (or honey)

  • 2 tsp. active dry yeast

  • 1 egg

  • 3 cups all purpose flour

  • 2 tsp. sea salt

  • 2 tsp. olive oil

  • Garnish
  • approx 1/4 cup melted butter

  • approx 1/4 cup sesame seeds

  • approx 1/4 cup sesame seeds


  • Place you warm milk in a medium bowl along with the sugar and yeast. Stir with a fork and allow about 5 minutes for your yeast to activate.
  • Crack the egg into the bowl, whisk with a fork to break up and stir in.
  • Add your flour, knead with your hands until the dough is smooth and no longer tacky.
  • Grease a bowl with oil and place your ball of dough inside, cover with plastic wrap. Allow to 60-90 minutes to double in size.
  • Remove the dough from the bowl and place on your worksurface. Divide into 12 equal pieces and roll into round balls.
  • Place into a grease square or rectangular deep baking vessel (approx 13×8″)
    Cover and allow to rise for about an hour or until the balls of dough have doubled in size (they will touch each other).Dinner Rolls rising
  • Before baking, brush the tops with with melted butter, sprinkle with flour and sesame seeds.
  • Place in your pre-heated oven for approx 25 minutes or until golden.
  • Allow about 10 minutes to cool, serve warm or room temperature.
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