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How to Make Pita Bread

Original post appeared Nov. 11, 2009

One of the most well-known foods in Greek cuisine is pita bread. It’s used to scoop-up dips that are usually included in the mix of mezedes (Greek appetizers).

We wrap souvlaki in them, we wrap gyro in them, we use pita bread to scoop Taramosalata, Melitzanosalata, Tzatziki, Red Pepper Dip, Parsley Salad, Htipiti, Fava, Hummus. Name the dip…pita bread is there (a search in my blog will offer recipes for all these dishes).

There are many pita breads that can be bought from your local grocer or Greek market but again, nothing beats homemade. I’ve tried many recipes for homemade pita bread and today’s recipe is the best one out there (in my opinion).

The kitchen is as much about experimentation as it is nurturing and pulling-off a dish. On the same day that I made the pita bread, I also tried my hand at homemade pork gyro.

Most people in Greece and abroad buy their pita bread but the homemade stuff – truly a superior product: it’s freshly made, still warm, pliable (to wrap around your gyro or souvlaki) and delicious.

My original post was a recipe inspired by Vefa Alexiadou but this one is now my own. I’ve tweaked the recipe to my liking by including cornmeal in the flour mix and my wet ingredients are now equal parts water and milk. Milk offers you a softer pita bread.

Making pita bread is easy. You need a heavy cast-iron skillet (or non-stick pan), offset spatula (or tongs) to flip the pita bread and a cotton tea towel to wrap them as they cool.

How To Make Pita Bread

(makes 8-10)

 3  cups all-purpose flour

1/2 cup fine cornmeal

1 1/4 tsp. salt

1 Tbsp. instant yeast

2 tsp. sugar

2 Tbsp. olive oil or softened butter

3/4 cup warm (body temperature) water

3/4 cup warm milk

extra cornmeal for dusting – not corn starch

(Corn starch is labeled/called corn flour in Greece but to the rest of the world, corn flour and cornmeal are one & the same)

cooking spray

  1. In the bowl of your stand mixer, add your flour, cornmeal, yeast, sugar and salt and stir with a fork.
  2. Attach the hook, add the water, milk, olive oil while mixing. The add dough if needed until the dough is no longer stick and doesn’t stick to the bowl.
  3. Divide into six pieces and roll out into 8 to 10 -inch rounds that are about 1/4 inch thick. Dust both sides lightly with cornmeal and lightly poke the surface of your pita breads with the tines of a fork.
  4. Place a heavy cast-iron skillet (non-stick pan is fine  as well) and heat to medium. Apply cooking spray on the pan. Place a large tea towel on a round plate.
  5. Place your pita dough on the hot skillet and and fry the bread for a couple of minutes a side or until they start to puff and bubble up. Flip and fry the other side.
  6. Place the pita bread on the tea towel and cover. Wipe the pan with paper towel, apply more cooking spray and fry the remaining pita breads.
  7. Serve warm or allow to cool inside the kitchen towel until cooled. Store in a sealed plastic bag for up to a week or freeze.

Note: the amount of pita bread units depends on how big you roll them out to. I like big pita breads. I used a large cast iron skillet in this instance. You should be good for at least 8, depending on the size you like them to be.

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72 Responses

  1. This looks delicious! Is pita bread traditionally fried? The only time I have ever made it I did it in the oven. However, I have made naan with a similar method.

  2. I really enjoyed this post. I’ve been baking my own bread for the last 4 years and I’m always glad to hear when others do it, too!
    However, I’ve never made pita bread before and I’d like to give it a try – but I do have one question: can I use fresh yeast instead of dry one? (does it make any difference…?)

  3. Looks do-able, well the pita at least. I don’t know about the gyro. I’ll need your help. Now I just need to get me one of those there skillets.

  4. Mmm-mmm, looks good! I was just saying to my boyfriend not 15 minutes ago that I wanted “Vefa’s Kitchen” for Christmas, and saw your post right after, which gave me a chuckle.

    I hope that’s homemade tzatziki I see in those gyros! ;)

  5. Souvlaki in a pita is one of my favorite things. There’s a little hole-in-the-wall place, right near Boston’s Symphony Hall, that sells this, and before symphony performances, people line up in their fancy clothes to eat souvlaki-pita sandwiches.

  6. Nothing better than homemade pitas! It has been a long time since I made some. Waiting for your gyro recipe, sounds much more delicious than the meatloaf variety :)

  7. Wow, Peter that meat looks fantastic! But those pitas are incredible. And I have to thank you for reminding me to use my 5 minute dough! I have some in the fridge right now!

  8. Pita looks amazing! I love the pita in Greece, I haven’t found anything that compares here. Is this recipe like the ones in Greece?
    Re: gyro on the outdoor rotisserie, do you have a vertical one? I think the horizontal one wouldn’t work because the juices/fat need to fall on the meat to avoid dryness.

  9. I’m in love with the pita! Looks fab… and wow, I did not realize that about gyros- how it is so different. Overnite some for me, will ya? lol

  10. Bread snob….I like that!!! You will soon become a gyro snob too. Fat is flavor and will keep the meat moist for sure!!!Good luck with the experiment!

  11. Absolutely beautiful. I’ve never tried making homemade pita bread but this looks great. If you ever come to the Detroit area, make sure you try Ernie’s. Their homemade pita is amazing. I look forward to more recipes!

  12. Stacking it on the kitchen towel dispenser was a stroke of absolute genius! I wonder if one of those tripod chicken roaster thingies would do the job?

    I have to try that pita too. The supermarket pita really doesn’t do it.

  13. LOVE the makeshift spit, peter–very innovative and impressive. the pita bread looks amazing, and that finished wrap, well…let the drooling commence.

  14. All I can say is WOW! A kitchen towel holder? That’s genius … I’ve always wondered how I’d make Greek gyro at home and now I know. I will have to buy a kitchen towel holder solely for that purpose though ;)

    And the pites look equally delicious. Kudos Peter!

  15. Welcome to the wonderful world of being a bread snob. I use to never care but since I started making it at home holy crap I can tell a huge difference. Heck I have even gone to the level of using only my bread for breadcrumbs versus buy the day old loaves for like 10 cents at the store.

    Love the gyro idea. I always have just wanted a pit and I remember something about people using a grill rotisserie.

    The belly and shoulder should give you plenty of fat but what you could look for it fatback which is basically just pure fat to stack in and help keep it moist.

  16. OMG! This gyros looks amazing. I think you should use fattier cuts to keep things moist, gyros is fatty anyway. I have never cooked a vefa recipe before but this one looks like a real winner.

  17. The pitas look great. Something I defintely should try, especially since I’m trying to get into baking bread more.

    Your pork looked wonderful. I’m surprised it was dry considering you layered pork belly in there. I love seeing those giant roatating hunks of meat. Your paper towel dispenser really replicated that experience nicely. There is a middle eastern place near my office and they can sell me on the schwarma every time I go in there when I see that giant skewer.

  18. The pita looks really delicious. I keep telling myself I’m going to make my own pita and then I get lazy. And homemade gyros? Peter, you are too ambitious for me, lol.

  19. I bought Vefa’s cook book recently and am very impressed…love it all Peter! The home made pites look fantastic as does your attempt at gyros! Wow! Your ambition in the kitchen is infectious!

  20. I like you, you bread snob! Your meal does look delish, and I love making my own pita bread, and all other breads now too. Now gyro snob & me might just take a little longah…

  21. FYI:

    Cornflour in the UK is a very, very fine white powder, that looks almost like confectioners (icing) sugar. Mainly used for thickening gravies and sauces.
    Cornmeal is a yellow or white meal, slightly gritty in texture. It is ground, dried maize/corn – like polenta meal.

  22. Mine was so sticky! It was pretty hard to handle, actually, but I added a touch more flour and used the cornmeal to unstick it, too. Is it 3 cups of flour plus more until it pulls away from the bowl (because mine never did after 3 cups) or is it supposed to be sticky and hard to work with? Otherwise, they look and feel so authentic. I hope it’s the recipe I’ve been searching for for over a year! I’m excited for my husband to come home and try them already!

  23. Hi,
    Great website! Love the recipes.
    Is there a way to make a whole wheat version of this type of pita? The preparation is so fast and practical…If I was better at cooking I’d attempt to tweak it, but knowing me, I’ll just end with goo !

    1. Maria, I haven’t tried a wholewheat version of pita bread but it is doable. You’ll have do use a 50/50 mix of white & wholewheat and a little extra water.

  24. Thank you so much for this recipe! I regularly make homemade tortillas, and this was just a tad more difficult as I threw all of the items in my breadmaker and hit the dough cycle. I recently bought some raw gyro meat (the meatloaf kind), so I was inspired to make the bread. The bread was so easy and dinner was delicious. Thanks. I think I will try the real meat eventually after looking at the pictures on this site. But the “loaf” kind is all we’ve ever had here locally, so it was still a real treat.

  25. The dough was really, really sticky but the pitas came out very tasty. Served them with leftover roasted semi-boneless lamb.

  26. Just made this tonight for gyros. They turned out awesome, especially since I rolled them out on the board that I used to mice the garlic and herbs on. Thanks for an easy recipe that will get regular use!

  27. Delicious and simple. I have made these a couple times now. They are so much better than the ones you find at the store or on other websites (some use egg…). I like to make extra and freeze them. Of course, they are not as good as freshly cooked ones, but its nice to have when you don’t have time to make fresh ones. I have also made them with half wheat, half AP flour- they come out great.

  28. Followed this recipe to the letter and it didn’t turn out like yours. It didn’t fluff, and my son said it needed more flavor. Suggestions?

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