Home » Bread » Egg Salad Sandwich

Toronto (where I live has a significant Asian population. Before the 1980’s, Toronto was a white anglo city with some European immigrants and some folks from Asia but not many.

The latter part of the 1980’s saw an influx of Hong Kong Chinese emigrate to Canada, fearing a loss of assets and freedoms after the UK would cede Hong Kong back to mainland China.

Today, we have immigrants from all over Asia and the cuisine in Toronto has improved a lot. Mainland Chinese, Thai, Viet, Loation, Japanese, Korean…I can truly grab a bite of any cuisine imaginable and exotic ingredients? We have those too!

A few years ago, I grabbed an egg salad sandwich from a store, to be eaten on a train (to somewhere). As I found out with my first bite, this version of egg salad was different, better.

Basically, today’s recipe is inspired by Japanese egg salad. You can add your own touches to the salad but I like how the the yolks are mashed and the remaining ingredients (including chopped egg whites) are folded/mixed after.

It’s a textural and tasty hit!

Egg Salad Sandwich

(makes 2 sandwiches)

4 large, hardboiled eggs

2 tsp. whole milk (or cream)

1/4 cup mayonnaise

1/2 tsp. sugar

3/4 tsp. sea salt

1/4 tsp. black pepper

1 tsp. of your favourite chili sauce

2 Tbsp. finely chopped chives + extra for garnish

4 slices white sandwich bread

room temp. butter

  1. Crack your eggs, peel and cut in half. Remove the yolks from the whites and place in a bowl. Set aside whites.
  2. Mash your yolks with a fork. Roughly chop your whites and add to the bowl.
  3. Add the milk, mayo, sugar,  half the salt, pepper, chili sauce, chives and mix well. Taste, adjust seasoning/flavourings. Cover and place in the fridge for 15 minutes.
  4. Slice the crusts off the bread. Butter both slices of bread, spoon in egg salad and place other slice of bread on top.
  5. Cut in half, sprinkle more chives on cut side of sandwich, serve.



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