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Macedonian Halva With Spoon Sweet and Cinnamon

This post isn’t so much of a recipe but more so instructions on how to assemble a dessert from ready to eat products.

The star of this dessert is Sesame Halva, something us Greeks called Makedonikos Halva.

This treat is made by pulverizing sesame seeds and adding honey and often some kind of nut (almond, hazelnut or pistachio). It can also come in vanilla or chocolate flavour and it is bought in round containers or in brick form.

Macedonian Halva is produced in northern Greece and  is available at Greek specialty shops and similar Middle Eastern and Turkish stores. It’s a delicious healthy treat and it is consumed a lot during Lent (lack of dessert options).

Today, I’ve topped slices of halva with some of my own quince spoon sweet, a dusting of ground cinnamon and squeeze of lemon juice.

Macedonian Halva With Spoon Sweet and Cinnamon

(serves 2)

3 slices of Halva (containing nuts)

2 heaping Tbsp. of spoon sweet (quince, orange, bergamont or carrot)

good squeeze of lemon juice

dusting of ground cinnamon

  1. Stack your slices of Halva on a plate. Top with your favourite spoon sweet, squeeze some lemon juice and dust with ground cinnamon.


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