Home » Asia Minor » Peinirli


The first time I saw a Peinirli was when the bus I was riding on from Thessaloniki to Amynteon (parents’ home town); the bus made a 20 minute stop in Edessa and some passengers were grabbing a “peinirli” to snack on.

During many trips to Greece since, I’ve seen Peinirli at bakeries and there are shops that specialize in Peinirli and Lahmacun. Similar offerings are made by Georgians, Armenians and Turks.

The Peinirli made its way to Greece via Asia Minor Greeks (from around the Black Sea) who had to relocate to mainland Greece due to forced population exchanges between Greece and Turkey.

Today, Greece also has immigrants from Georgia who offer their take, called Khachapuri.

I like a thinner dough than many of the peinirli’s I’ve seen in Greece; a better topping to dough ratio for my tastes.

This version is one of my faves with a filling consisting of cheese, a cured beef product called Pastourma and topped with an egg. There are other topping variations (see end of recipe) but like a pizza, the possibilities are endless.


(Makes 2/serves 4-6)
2 cups all purpose flour
1 1/2 tsp instant yeast
1 1/2 tsp salt
2 tsp. Sugar
3 Tbsp. room temp butter
2/3 cup warm water
1/3 warm milk
2 cups grated Mozzarella
2 cups grated Kasseri cheese
12 slices Pastourma or slices of Soutzouki sausage
2 large eggs
To finish
1 egg
2-3 tbsp sesame seeds
1 tbsp chopped parsley
Melted butter
Fresh ground pepper
pre-heated 450F


  1. Add the flour, yeast, salt, sugar and butter in a bowl. You can use the hook of your stand mixer or hands. Slowly add the water and milk while mixing. The dough will be ready when it no longer sticks to the bowl. Transfer to a floured work surface. Divide into two. Sprinkle some flour and knead into two balls. Transfer balls of dough into two greased bowls and cover. Allow to double in size in a warm spot (should take an hour).
  2. Meanwhile, combine your cheeses in a bowl.
  3. Punch dough down to deflate. Sprinkle some flour  on your work surface and roll out into 13″ x 8″ rectangles. Transfer both flats of dough on to parchment lined baking sheets.
  4. Sprinkle grated cheese over most of the dough’s surface (leaving a centimeter around the edges).
  5. Fold in the sides over tom make a border then gently pull on each side to help make your dough into a canoe shape. twist the dough at both ends with your fingers to make pointed ends.
  6. Crack an egg, whisk with a fork and brush the sides with eggwash and sprinkle sesame seeds on borders.
  7. Place in your pre-heated 450F oven for 11-12 minutes. Remove from the oven, tear pieces of pastourma with your hands and place on cheese. Use the back of the spoon to press down and make a well in each Peinirli and crack an egg over each one. Grate some more cheese on top of pastourma
  8. Place back in the oven for another 5-6 minutes or until egg just sets. Remove from the oven, brush melted butter on the golden crust, sprinkle parsley on Peinirli and fresh ground pepper on egg.
  9. Allow 5 minutes to cool before serving.

Other Peinirli toppings:

  • cheese and soutzouk slices
  • cheese and ham/bacon, tomato
  • lahmacun meat topping with an egg
  • cheese, tomato slices, green peppers, oregano
  • cooked diced onions, wilted spinach, halved cherry tomatoes, feta/ricotta cheese combo
  • any other pizza topping combo you desire

NOTE ON PASTOURMA: This salt cured and air-dried beef can be found at some Greek markets, middle eastern shops. Here in Toronto, I buy my pastourma from Adonis, Arz or IGA on the Danforth.

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