Home » Baking » Creamy Scalloped Potatoes

You know a side dish is a winner when you can eat it like a main courser. Such is the case with Scalloped Potatoes – I love them!

My earliest memory of scalloped potatoes was when my relatives in Hamilton, Ontario purchased a Banquet Hall/restaurant complex. There was a restaurant, many banquet halls and even a disco/live music venue.

Our family sat with our relatives to watch a 70’s Motown-style band perform (I think they were based in Buffalo, NY). There was a buffet set up with an array of proteins, sides and desserts.

I tried the creamy scalloped potatoes and I was hooked. Like any sane person, one goes back on the 2nd and 3rd trip for more of your favourites. I kept loading up on scalloped potatoes!

For much of my life, the only scalloped potatoes dishes that equaled those that I ate at the buffet were the boxed variety that one buys at the supermarket. Full disclosure  – I would still eat those!

But now, I finally know how to make them from scratch. The key? Full fat, heavy cream. I’ve tried using evaporated milk, half & half, half cream and half milk combo – not the same.

The other key? Avoid the temptation to add cheese – not necessary but if you must – add grated cheese (Gruyere) at the last 10 minutes.


What you get here are creamy (dreamy) scalloped potatoes. I could eat the whole casserole!

Scalloped Potatoes

(serves 4-6)

2 lbs. / 6 large Yukon Gold (or Russet)

1 medium onion

1 bay leaf

2 1/2 – 3 cups heavy cream

approx. 1 -1 1/2 tsp. sea salt

1/2 tsp. black pepper

1/2 tsp. thyme leaves

pre-heated 350F oven

  1. Peel your potatoes and onion. Using a mandoline, slice the potatoes into approx. 1/4 inch thin slices. Thinly slice your onions and place the potatoes and onions in a deep and wide skillet.
  2. Add the bay leaf, pour enough cream to just cover, add salt and pepper and turn heat to medium. As soon as you see the cream begin to bubble, cook potatoes for 10 minutes. Take off heat, taste and adjust seasoning.
  3. Carefully empty the potatoes/onions and cream into a 9×9 deep baking dish (press potatoes down a bit). Sprinkle with thyme and place in pre-heated oven for 45-50 minutes. To test for doneness, stick a sharp knife into potatoes. If not cooked yet, place potatoes back in oven, checking in 10 minute internals.
  4. Take out of oven, allow to rest 15 minutes before serving.

Note: Add 1 tsp. of salt with the cream then taste and adjust seasoning after you’ve simmered the potatoes in the cream. It’s a dish you can easily over salt.

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