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Cheddar Cornbread Muffins

Before Covid-19, It was all rush, rush, rush. In North America, all I saw were people lining up at a coffee shop or waiting in the drive-thru lane to pick up a bagel, breakfast sandwich/burrito, donuts or muffins.

In Europe, people actually sit in a cafe, order and leisurely have their coffee and treat. In Greece, those in a rush would buy a cheese pie or spinach pie to go.

Muffins were practically made for this busy morning go-go-go ritual. We’ve all seen the co-worker sipping a coffee and nibbling on a muffin in their office/cubicle.

Why not make the time to enjoy your coffee and muffin at home? I do.

One of my favourite muffins I used to buy was the cheddar muffin from MMMuffins. A muffin chain that was anchored in practically every shopping mall and locations near office towers.

The Cheddar Muffin is a sweet muffin with a hint of savory and the cheddar in the muffin and on top make it something special.

I break off the muffin top with my hands. While still warm, I still smear the muffin with butter and munch away. A sip of coffee and repeat. How do you eat your muffins?

Cheddar Cornbread Muffins

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33 Responses

  1. I’m a big muffin fan and it’s rare that I purchase them, preferring instead to make my own. They are not only easy to make, but taste far better than the Tim Horton’s variety.

    Your muffins look delicious. I would love these!

  2. Oooh those look so great! I love Vanessa’s blog; it’s fabulous. I am half-ashamed to say I love Tim Hortons and I always make my husband stop there when we are in MI (they don’t have them in Chicago). Their English toffee “cappuccino” is so NOT cappuccino but I love it all the same, lol.

  3. February is muffin mania on the blogosphere. Another yummy one I’d like to have with my morning coffee!

  4. Bizarre, I’m just working on a muffin post as well!

    Those muffins look awesome and I agree entirely. I normally rush out the door with coffee and a granola bar to speed off to work, but with fresh muffins, I’ll sit down and enjoy it at home. Not sure what it is, but muffins command relaxation. The lemon poppy combo looks like a tasty one.

  5. Bizarre, I’m just working on a muffin post as well!

    Those muffins look awesome and I agree entirely. I normally rush out the door with coffee and a granola bar to speed off to work, but with fresh muffins, I’ll sit down and enjoy it at home. Not sure what it is, but muffins command relaxation. The lemon poppy combo looks like a tasty one.

  6. Bizarre, I’m just working on a muffin post as well!

    Those muffins look awesome and I agree entirely. I normally rush out the door with coffee and a granola bar to speed off to work, but with fresh muffins, I’ll sit down and enjoy it at home. Not sure what it is, but muffins command relaxation. The lemon poppy combo looks like a tasty one.

  7. Bizarre, I’m just working on a muffin post as well!

    Those muffins look awesome and I agree entirely. I normally rush out the door with coffee and a granola bar to speed off to work, but with fresh muffins, I’ll sit down and enjoy it at home. Not sure what it is, but muffins command relaxation. The lemon poppy combo looks like a tasty one.

  8. Bizarre, I’m just working on a muffin post as well!

    Those muffins look awesome and I agree entirely. I normally rush out the door with coffee and a granola bar to speed off to work, but with fresh muffins, I’ll sit down and enjoy it at home. Not sure what it is, but muffins command relaxation. The lemon poppy combo looks like a tasty one.

  9. Bizarre, I’m just working on a muffin post as well!

    Those muffins look awesome and I agree entirely. I normally rush out the door with coffee and a granola bar to speed off to work, but with fresh muffins, I’ll sit down and enjoy it at home. Not sure what it is, but muffins command relaxation. The lemon poppy combo looks like a tasty one.

  10. Bizarre, I’m just working on a muffin post as well!

    Those muffins look awesome and I agree entirely. I normally rush out the door with coffee and a granola bar to speed off to work, but with fresh muffins, I’ll sit down and enjoy it at home. Not sure what it is, but muffins command relaxation. The lemon poppy combo looks like a tasty one.

  11. Bizarre, I’m just working on a muffin post as well!

    Those muffins look awesome and I agree entirely. I normally rush out the door with coffee and a granola bar to speed off to work, but with fresh muffins, I’ll sit down and enjoy it at home. Not sure what it is, but muffins command relaxation. The lemon poppy combo looks like a tasty one.

  12. Bizarre, I’m just working on a muffin post as well!

    Those muffins look awesome and I agree entirely. I normally rush out the door with coffee and a granola bar to speed off to work, but with fresh muffins, I’ll sit down and enjoy it at home. Not sure what it is, but muffins command relaxation. The lemon poppy combo looks like a tasty one.

  13. I also love poppy seed muffins. The only problem with them is that once they are made you can’t resist: you have to eat them.

  14. Great job — I love lemon poppyseed muffins (actually, I love lemon *anything*). These look especially wonderful due to the drizzle on top!

  15. Peter, I think you are a bit confused out Europeans… we also rush… living in a village is more of a slow down motion, but city is FAST living.

    See how busy we are that we never do muffins at home, never thought about making them, simply buy them at the baking shop or at the supermarket. But I like the idea of making them at home… on of these days! :D

  16. Pete, I won’t gorge on muffins but I do enjoy a good one w/ coffee.

    Lisa, quick breads I’m a fan of.

    Vanessa, thank you for this tasty recipe.

    Mike, the world is going muffin mad!

    Simona, I love the aroma of them in the morn’.

    Allen, the icing was a nice gooey bonus.

    Pixie, I love Shrek (and I do know the Muffin Man).

    Nuria, you must slow down, very un-European to rish, rush, rush.

  17. Needs more sausages.

    Joking! I’m sitting here drinking a mug of good, strong coffee and wishing I had one of those muffins.

  18. Okay… now you’ve gone and done it… lemon poppyseed muffins are among my faves!!! I’m going to have to try your recipe out this week.

  19. Lemon and poppy seed muffins sound good. Baked goods like muffins are at they best when they are just out of the oven and a lot of them tend to disappear at that stage.

  20. Mmmm…I love lemon poppyseed. Now I have a craving for a warm muffin! And I’ll look forward to that “print” button.

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