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Eggplant Papoutsakia II

From day one of writing/blogging about Greek food, it’s been an adventure full of delicious food and constant learning. A lot of positive growth.

There are many approaches to cooking the classics and I am a big fan of finding shortcuts that do not compromise the traditional dish.

Case in point are Papoutsakia aka Baked Eggplants filled with meat sauce and topped with Bechamel. Traditionally many still fry the eggplants first, fill with meat, top with Bechamel and finish in the oven.

In my other Papoutsakia recipe, I halve the eggplants and bake them face down in a tray to cook them. Once inverted the eggplant is flattened a bit, making way for the meat sauce and Bechamel and off to the oven they go.

WAIT! Here’s another method – this one’s my favourite!

The eggplant stays whole, but slits are made lengthwise into them before they go into the oven. After they are baked sufficiently, the eggplants are pushed in from the ends (like one does for a baked potato). In goes meat filling, Bechamel on top and into the oven.

Welcome to my new way to prepare Papoutsakia!

Eggplant Papoutsakia II

(serves 4)

4 medium eggplants
1lb of extra lean ground beef
4 tbsp of olive oil
2 large onions, diced
3 bay leaves
6 cloves of minced garlic
2 cups of plum tomatoes, pureed (or Pomodoro)
1/2 cup white wine
salt, pepper
3 tsp dried oregano
3 Tbsp of chopped fresh parsley
1/2 tsp ground allspice
half recipe for Bechamel Sauce
1/2 cup grated Kefalotiri or Romano cheese

  1. Pre-heat your oven to 450F. Rinse and dry your eggplants. Using a sharp knife, make a deep cut lengthwise into the eggplant from stem to almost the the other end (CAREFUL TO NOT CUT THROUGH TO THE BOTTOM).
  2. Drizzle the eggplant with olive oil and season with salt. Place on a parchment-lined baking sheet place oven and bake for 30 minutes or until just soft to the touch. Reserve.
  3. Make your filling: in a heavy sauce pan, sweat your onions, garlic, bay leaves, some salt for about 10 minutes, until the onions are soft and translucent. Now add ground beef and and saute until browned. Add your wine, tomato sauce, oregano, parsley and simmer until thick. Adjust seasoning with salt and pepper. In about 30-45 minutes you should have a thick sauce. Stir in your allspice, remove bay leaves and set aside.
  4. Make your Bechamel Sauce and reserve .
  5. Place your fingers at both ends of the eggplant and squeeze towards the middle – this will open up a pocket in your eggplant. Sprinkle some cheese on the bottoms, then spoon in the meat sauce into each cavity.
  6. Now spoon the bechamel sauce over the meat sauce and top with grated cheese. Bake in a pre-heated 400F oven for approx. 35 minutes. The tops should be a nice golden-brown.
  7. Allow to rest 15 minutes then serve warm.

PRO TIP: For a more polished presentation, fill a piping bag (star tip) with cooled Bechamel and top eggplants 

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