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Tomato Salad With Fried Feta

This recipe is a long-awaited update from when I first shared it – back in 2007!

I originally plated the salad as shown but I feel the tomatoes are the star and the fried cheese. Salad greens are a garnish and the salad is sharper looking, don’t you think?

The other star is the fried Feta – crispy cubes of Feta contrasting with juicy tomatoes. The dressing is a guideline but you can use your own.

Frying cheese can be a tricky task but here’s a few of pointers:

  • Seek a firmer feta cheese. Some crumble easier than others. A firmer variety works best.
  • Chill your feta before frying, this will allow the cheese to stand up to the heat
  • Shallow fry your cheese in a non-stick pan with an oil like sunflower oil.
  • Coat your cheese simply with beaten egg and flour.

I remember my guests’ reaction to eating this salad back then: This salad immediately catches the eye, my Greek guests were in awe of the Greek cubes of feta and when I was prepping the next course in the kitchen, I thought I heard them meditating with what sounded like a chorus of “Ohmmmmmmmm” – it was really a “Yummmmm”!

Tomato Salad With Fried Feta
(Serves 4)

For the Cheese Croutons

250 gr. firm Feta, cut into cubes
1 egg + splash of milk

some all-purpose flour
sunflower oil for frying

juice of 1 lemon (1/4 cup)

2/3 cup extra-virgin olive oil

1 tsp. Dijon mustard

1 tsp. of honey

1 tsp. dried Greek oregano

splash of good balsamic vinegar
1 tsp. sea salt
1 tsp. black pepper

2-3 ripe tomatoes, sliced
2 cups baby arugula

1 small red onion, thinly sliced

1 cup Kalamata olives

  1. Cut the feta cheese into cubes. Beat the egg and some milk in one bowl and have another separate bowl set up with some flour. Toss the cheese first in the egg, shale off excess and then dredge in flour. Place your dredged feta cubes in the fridge for at least 30 minutes to chill.
  2. In a small Mason jar, add all your dressing ingredients and close lid and shake well. Taste and adjust seasonings and set aside.
  3. Prepare the salad by arranging the tomatoes, onion and olives on individual plates or one large serving platter.
  4. Heat oil in a large, non-stick pan and fry cheese (in batches) over medium heat, turning over the cubes of cheese until they are golden brown on all sides.
  5. Give your jar of dressing a shake. Place arugula in a bowl, add enough dressing to just coat the greens. Place a tall mound of arugula in the middle of the plate, spoon more dressing on tomatoes. Scatter the fried Feta over the salad and serve.
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79 Responses

  1. Happy belated birthday Peter. Fantastic salad. What a treat indeed! I’ve never thought to fry feta, but this is something I will try for sure.

  2. Glad you had a good birthday!
    My fried feta did not look like that – I will try harder next time LOL
    I was brave tho and posted the picture of my failed attempt!
    BTW – I’ve given you an award.

  3. Χρόνια πολλά

    Which, as I’m sure you know, is Greek for Happy Birthday. 41, sigh, oh to be so young again!

  4. Happy Birthday Peter,
    hope you had fun.
    I’ll have to try frying the feta for my Greek salad one day.

  5. Happy belated birthday Peter! Hope you had a great time, but…didn’t you have a birthday cake…? :-0 Very mediterranean and gorgeous last 3 dishes: “Greece 12 points-La Grèce 12 points” ;-) Nice meeting with Judy and her family as well!xxNat

  6. Happy belated birthday Peter, I whish you a long and happy life!!!
    This salad look fantastic I love the colours of your salads.xxGloria

  7. Χρόνια πολλά, Peter!

    Great tips for feta frying, thanks! Yours look crisp and appealing.

  8. Χρονια Πολλα! Η σαλατα σου ειναλ τελεια! All the best and thanks for the tips on frying feta.

  9. Was it your birthday!All my fav blog buddies are celbrating this time of year. Jen, Heather, and YOU! Happy Birthday. Fried feta sounds awesome BTW.

  10. Happy Birthday and all the best! The salad looks fantastic and that was only the first course of the feast…I can only imagine what other delights your guests had after that!!

  11. Happy birthday Peter:D Sounds like you had a special dinner with friends as well. I will have to give the fried feta cubes a try.

  12. Lisa, it’s not that hard and they must be served warm.

    Jan, your attempt was still pretty good, next time they’ll be perfect!

    Hersh, “efharisto” for your kind B-day wishes.

    Natashya, thanks and why not try fried feta this summer?

    Thanks Mary, they’re a wonderful surprise.

    Nat, merci…but i was wondering…do you have a blog too or are just a fond reader of Kalofagas?

    Gloria, muchos gracias.

    Thank you very much Lulu, they (feta aren’t hard to fry…you’ll see!

    Pete, thanks for the B-day wishes and fry up some feta…keep ya warm!

    Leah, I think everyone enjoyed the evening and the food, I enjoyed their company.

    Kevin, indeed.

    Zen, not genius, just trying to wake up a salad.

    Thanks Courtney…I just paid Heather a visit to offr her my B-day wishes too.

    Anna, stay tuned….something old, somethin’ new. ;)

    Cathy, it was quite easy..prepare your salad, fry them then serve immediately.

    Leslie, thanks for the tune…my legs just became weak. ;)

    Merci, Aimee!

    Val, it was a wonderful evening, thank you!

  13. Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you…
    Happy Birthday Dear Peter…
    Happy Birthday to you!

    Picture if you will, me singing you this song in a soft low husky voice… :) Na ta ekotstiseis!!!

    All the Best!


  14. Why have such a quiet birthday. You should have had the mother of all parties, invited us all to bring our favorites dishes and voila….a party in the blogosphere.

    Fried feta…..what a novel idea!!

  15. Why have such a quiet birthday. You should have had the mother of all parties, invited us all to bring our favorites dishes and voila….a party in the blogosphere.

    Fried feta…..what a novel idea!!

  16. Why have such a quiet birthday. You should have had the mother of all parties, invited us all to bring our favorites dishes and voila….a party in the blogosphere.

    Fried feta…..what a novel idea!!

  17. Why have such a quiet birthday. You should have had the mother of all parties, invited us all to bring our favorites dishes and voila….a party in the blogosphere.

    Fried feta…..what a novel idea!!

  18. Why have such a quiet birthday. You should have had the mother of all parties, invited us all to bring our favorites dishes and voila….a party in the blogosphere.

    Fried feta…..what a novel idea!!

  19. Why have such a quiet birthday. You should have had the mother of all parties, invited us all to bring our favorites dishes and voila….a party in the blogosphere.

    Fried feta…..what a novel idea!!

  20. Why have such a quiet birthday. You should have had the mother of all parties, invited us all to bring our favorites dishes and voila….a party in the blogosphere.

    Fried feta…..what a novel idea!!

  21. Why have such a quiet birthday. You should have had the mother of all parties, invited us all to bring our favorites dishes and voila….a party in the blogosphere.

    Fried feta…..what a novel idea!!

  22. Why have such a quiet birthday. You should have had the mother of all parties, invited us all to bring our favorites dishes and voila….a party in the blogosphere.

    Fried feta…..what a novel idea!!

  23. Happy Birthday! You celebrated with friends and food. My kind of party! Beautiful salad with fried feta. Thanks for the great recipe idea.

  24. peter got another year younger :)

    i havent tried fried feta before, but i am sureeeeeeee i’ll LOVE it!

  25. i’d sing happy birthday to you, but that’s more of a punishment than a gift…
    beautiful salad, and come on–fried cheese? that’d be hard to beat. :)

  26. OH GOSH. I really want that salad. But I really want the fried cheese.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    What are you doing up at 3:05 AM? Are you up really early, or are you going to bed really late? I’m going to bed really late. Now it’s almost 4.

  27. Happy Birthday Peter! That salad looks amazing, will we be hearing about the rest of the meal too?
    I hope so.

  28. Sam, thanks and I hope you actually didn’t sing that out loud? lol

    Thank you, Lydia.

    JS & TS, thanks…frying heightens any foods.

    Efharisto Maria.

    Nina, great idea…noted for next year!

    Jen, it was a fine evening…some great food and laughs.

    Rosa, it was scrump!

    Emi, thanks and a Happy B-day to you…I was up late. ;)

    Joanne, you most certainly will.

  29. The salad looks absolutely fabulous! Happy belated b’day! I wished you happy b’day on my blog, too, because mine was yesterday, and Heather’s was either yesterday or Saturday. Let’s here it for Crabs! (er… Cancer… that type of crabs).

  30. Happy belated birthday, Peter! Birds of a feather and such.

    The only thing better than cheese is fried cheese.

  31. Peteeerrr:))
    Χρόνια πολλά και καλά!!
    Πάντα να μας εντυπωσιάζεις με τις εκπληκτικές συνταγές σου, γεμάτες χρώματα και αρώματα:)

  32. Happy birthday! I’ve been lurking for some time now, and I’ve finally decided to come out of the closet and say hello.

    I love the idea of a fried feta (any fried cheese, really) so thanks for the tips :)

  33. Happy birthday, Peter!

    I’ve never seen fried feta. I’d love to see it in person… right now… Seriously, this looks fantastic.

  34. Happy belated birthday, you young thing you! This sounds so fantastic, I think fried cheese is just so spectacular on salad

  35. Gracias Ben…it’s all about the fiesta!

    Pam thanks…fried cheese + salad = yum!

    Forkful, you in on the food math too? lol

    Jen, looks like us Cancerians are in good compnay!

    Parker, thanks…it IS delish.

    Heather…fried cheese makes me happy (and Scotch).

    Elena, efharisto poli, kuria mou. I hope to cook for you one day.

    Dee, welcome and thanks for the kind words and for stepping out of the closet. I hope to see you around more often.

    Jessica, thanks so much…it’s an easy salad to put together and major WOW factor.

    Kat, what you talkin’ about…you look younger than me!!!

  36. Eh, you’re just a young pup! (Says smug old 47, lol) A belated happy birthday to you.

    Fried feta, I would not have thought of. Sounds deelicious.

  37. Happy Birthday Old man, hehe!

    Well that will be a few more calories piled on because I fear I will have to make this one. It is calling out to me!

    Oh and I have tagged you for a photo meme, so that you can show off some of your scrummy photos :)

  38. Happy belated birthday! I made a delicious greek salad last night but never, in my mind, would have thought of frying my feta.

  39. Hi Pete, I’m just a reader, I follow several food blogs, especially the pastry dedicated ones but I’d like to have my own blogg some day… when I’ve got enough courage, time and a digital camera! :-D Cheers!Nat

  40. Peter, happy belated BD to you! What a great way to celebrate this special day! Your salad looks gorgeous, as usual. I never knew feta cheese could be fried. We always buy it and use it in salads and for breakfast. Frying it is such a unique idea. A must try!

  41. Happy Belly Button Day!!!! You’re still a baby. And hey!!! I thought the fabulous part was reserved for those of us who have achieved 50’s.

  42. Happy belated Birthday darling Pedro de mi vida :D. If I was there I would strech your ears down 41 times… maybe you wouldn’t like to have me that near, did you?

    A Huge hug and kisses for you Minaki, Peter Minaki :D. The more you run, you will never be able to catch me boy!

  43. Oh my goodness – so sorry I missed this! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! ooh, and thanks for the tips about frying feta – I’ve never tried it but it sounds delish.

  44. hey you’re one day after me!!!!!

    happy b’day. i just turned 47.

    i meant to tell you that i went to molyvos again and it was excellent. i love that place. although my/your galaktobourekos – or whatever it’s called was much better…

  45. Ferdzy, thanks gal…I feel like 19 still!

    Holler, thanks young lass, you’re 29 forever, right?

    Lisa, I certainly am.

    Helene, next time try this salad.

    Nat, thanks for replying and for your kind comments…go on, create a blog!

    Dragon, it’s wonderful with a salad.

    Farida, thank you so much…the fried feta makes the salad special.

    Cynthia, dahling…thank you!

    Giz, fabulous 40’s sounds better than farting 40’s I say!

    Darling Nuria…I miss you commenting daily but I know we’re all enjoying the summer.

    Helen, this method of frying feta hasn’t failed me yet!

    CEF, Happy belated and you look younger than me!

  46. Deep fried cheese?! Geez! Like heaven, like buttah!
    Happy Belated B-day. I know you’re still kicking it old school; age, I’m sure is a big old nothing with you. :-)
    Rock on with your bad self.

  47. Happy, Happy belated Peter! Fried feta?? Are you kidding me? That looks absolutely scrumptious!!

  48. Dawn, I’m not sure how old you are but I can party with the best of them…kick it out!

    Marie, no guffing here!

    Hank, go wild…it’s a great way to use feta.

  49. You know 41 is the new 31? Happy Belated Birthday Peter!

    I love the fried feta, no surprise there…

  50. Oh no! I can’t believe I’m so late to the party! Happy Belated Birthday, Peter! I had house guests earlier this week and missed visiting the blogs.

    Looks like you celebrated in style! That salad looks wonderful! The fried feta is intriguing!

  51. A delicious looking salad, Peter. I’ve never had fried feta, but I think I need to give it a try. Happy belated birthday!

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