Home » Aegean » Fried Whiting aka Bakalarakia

I love fried fish and of my faves are whiting. Whiting belong to the cod family of fish and in Greece they are know as Bakalarakia. They are also called Hake and Italians called them Merluzzo.

Here in Toronto, we get our fish from the Canadian Atlantic, so the fish is fresh, wild caught and affordable (bought them yesterday for $3.50/lb (cleaned).

Whiting has a mild flavour, a good fish to introduce to children and its bone structure is such that there are very little pin bones. It’s a fish that is meant for eating with your hands and it is very easy to cook!

Fried Whiting

(serves 4)

12 whole whiting, scaled, gutted and trimmed

sea salt

ground pepper

approx 1 cup all-purpose flour (I use strong bread flour)

vegetable oil for frying

wedges of lemon

  1. Rinse your fish in cold water and drain in a colander for 5 minutes. Season your fish with salt and pepper and place back in the colander for another 20 minutes to let stand.
  2. Add flour into a rectangular plastic container and bring fish and and flour by your stove. Place a large deep skillet on your stove-top and add about 1 inch of oil over medium heat. You want your oil to reach a temperature of about 350-360F.
  3. Estimate how many fish will fit in your pan (without crowding) and dredge that amount of fish in flour. Shake off excess flour and carefully place your fish in the hot oil.
  4. Fry the fish for about 4-5 minutes a side or until crisp and golden. Reserve on a paper-lined platter and fry your remaining fish in batches.
  5. Sprinkle some sea salt, serve with wedges of lemon, a side of vlita, boiled potatoes.

4 Responses

  1. Looks delicious Peter. I love merluzzo as well. I have fond memories of enjoying a plateful with my dad. Is Canadian Atlantic open to the public or trade only? I am now wanting to make this today.


    1. Bravo Peter, you nailed it.Simple easy recipe, and since that’s exactly how l cook the fish,try splashing some red wine vinegar in the pan for 1-2 minutes turning them once for total absorption.Yamm.Throw in the vlita and patata (don’t; forget skorthalia) Don’t forget a dry,Lakoniko,Gramousiotiko preferably, wine.Dodoni feta(no lathi, just oregano) See the picture Pete?

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