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Pavlova With Greek Yogurt and Vissino

A few days ago I shared my Pavlova recipe. Here, I’ve combined it with the simple Greek offering of Greek yogurt and Vissino (sour cherry spoon sweet).

I served this a couple of years ago when I was guest Chef at a St. Sophia banquet in Los Angeles. It was a big hit and continues to be when served at catering events.

Pavlova with Greek Yogurt and Vissino

(serves 12)

For the Meringues

4 large egg whites

1 tsp. cornstarch

1 cup granulated sugar

1 Tbsp. white vinegar

1 tsp. vanilla extract


2 cups strained Greek yogurt

1 jar Vissino (Sour cherry spoon sweet) or make your own

  1. Add the egg whites, sugar into a clean stainless steel bowl and place on top of a pot of simmering water over medium heat (water should not touch base of the bowl. Use a whisk to stir until the sugar has dissolved.
  2. Remove the bowl from the heat and transfer to your stand mixer and begin whipping your egg whites on high speed  until in whitens and begins to stiffen.
  3. Add the corn starch, vinegar and finally the vanilla. Your meringue should now form stiff peaks.
  4. Pre-heat your oven to 200F and line a large baking sheet with parchment paper. Empty your meringue into a piping bag with a ½ inch tip and pipe nests onto the parchment (leave 1 inch of space between each nest).
  5. Bake on the middle rack for 70 minutes or until outside is firm. Allow to cool for 2 hours or overnight.
  6. Carefully remove from parchment. To serve, place on a plate, top with a nice dollop of Greek Yogurt and finish with a heaping tablespoon of Vissino.
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