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Charred Zucchini Dip

One of my favourite Greek appetizers is Melitzanosalata – a smoked eggplant dip that really shines in the summer with local, sweet eggplant from the garden.

Another vegetable that’s abundant in the summer is zucchini, the star of today’s dish. I am using inspiration from Melitzanosalata and instead of eggplant we’re using zucchini.

Got a glut of zucchini in your garden? Allergic to eggplant? Hate eggplant? I see you! I still like you because that means there’s more eggplant for the rest of us but this Charred Zucchini Dip is pretty damn good too!

Charred Zucchini Dip

(serves 4-6)

3 zucchini

2 cloves of garlic, minced

1 Tbsp. of lemon juice or red wine vinegar

pinch of salt and pepper

1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley (divided in two)

1/4 cup crumbled Feta

2 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil

2 Tbsp. grated Kefalotyri (or Romano) cheese

  1. Pre-heat your gas or charcoal grill. We are looking for a medium-high heat. Place the zucchini on your grill and char the skins, rotating your zucchini every 10 minutes until charred on sides. Total time should be about 30 minutes.
  2. Place zucchini on a plate and allow to cool enough for you to handle. Peel the skins off and discard. Place the zucchini flesh in a colander for 30 minutes to drain excess liquid.
  3. Place zucchini in a bowl along with garlic, lemon juice, salt and pepper and mash and mix with a fork until incorporated.
  4. Add half the parsley, Feta and mix again. Taste, adjust seasoning. Transfer to a serving dish.
  5. Garnish with grated Kefalotyri and remaining chopped parsley and serve with warm pita or crusty bread.
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