Home » Beef » Juicy Cheese Burgers

My enjoyment of burgers has evolved. When a young boy, we loved the fast-food chain burgers, we’ve had homeburgers on slice bread from our mom’s, I insisted upon burgers being cooked on the grill and now I’ve come full-circle: the best tasting burgers are cooked on the flat-top or griddle. If you don’t have either, a cast iron or non-stick pan work.

There are so many twists and turns you can take with your burger: the type of bun, choosing your own beef combo and grinding yourself, making burgers with other types off meat, choice of condiments, method of cooking and how to season your meat. You have options.

This burger recipe is a very good recipe that makes a burger accessible to homecooks. You too can serve burger joint burgers!

My method of flavouring is amazing delicous….those packets of French Onion soup mix. A good burger requires 4-5 napkins. Delicious!

Wanna go the extra mile? Make your own burger buns!

Juicy Cheese Burgers

(serves 4)

1lb. ground beef (80/20 meat/fat)

4 Tbsp. French onion soup mix

salt and pepper


caramelized onions

sliced tomatoes


Burger Sauce

1/2 cup mayo

3 Tbsp. ketchup

2 Tbsp. relish

1/2 tsp. sugar

1 tsp. white vinegar

  1. Organization is key to making and assembling burgers for your family and friends. The most time consuming being the caramelized onions…get’er done! Into a bowl, make your burger sauce, slice your tomatoes, get your lettuce, amass any other burger condiments your guests may want (ketchup, mustard. relish, raw onions).
  2. Into a bowl, add the ground beef, soup mix and mix well with your hands. Divide into 8 balls (thinner makes tastier burgers, serve two of these per person). Place each ball on meat on a plate, place plastic wrap on top of the meat and take another plate and press down to flatten into a patty. Repeat with rest of the meat.
  3. Pre-heat your griddle or two cast iron pans to medium-high. Place your burgers in the griddle (do not add oil into pan), season with salt and pepper and cook for 2 1/2 minutes. Flip your burgers and cook for a minute, season with salt and pepper.
  4. Top each patty with a cheese slice and cook for a minute. Divide caramelized onions and place on 4 of the burgers. Reserve burgers on a plate.
  5. Place buns face down in pan (or griddle) to lightly toast the buns.
  6. Assemble burgers. Smear burger sauce on top and bottom buns, place burgers on bun (caramelized onions between each burger).
  7. Top with tomato, lettuce and top bun and serve with my Olive Oil French Fries.



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