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Seared Scallops With Grilled Corn Salad

I love scallops. Besides the fact that they are delicious, they are a sustainable seafood source, pretty widely available, modern freezing technology ensures you get a “frozen fresh” product. The down side? They can be pricey.

This can be a splurge but it is so worth it! Scallops can be fried, broiled, grilled, steamed but my favourite is to saute in a hot pan.

Simply preparation is key, I am not doing anything to mask the flavour of scallops and I am serving it with an easy, Springtime corn salad that complements the scallops wonderfully.

There’s some Feta cheese in the salad mix but it works. Think of the Feta as a seasoning, briny and tart to match the sweetness of the corn and scallops.

Oh, it’s pretty too!

Seared Scallops With Grilled Corn Salad

(serves 4)

12 large scallops

sea salt and ground pepper

4 Tbsp. room temp. unsalted butter

Grilled Corn Salad with Feta and Red Peppers


1/4 cup chopped red onion

2 Tbsp balsamic vinegar

1 Tbsp. red wine vinegar

2 Tbsp hot water
1 tsp Dijon mustard
1/3 cup extra-virgin olive oil

4 cobs of corn, husks and silk removed

1 large red bell pepper, diced to the approx. size of the corn kernels

2-3 scallions (or 1/2 cup chopped chives)

1 cup of crumbled or diced Feta cheese

lemon juice to taste

salt and pepper to taste

  1. Ensure all your ingredients for the salad have been chopped, diced and ready to use. Brush your corn with oil and grill over medium-high heat until all sides of the corn are caramelized and deep-brown.
  2. Cut your cobs of corn in half and then vertically place them on your chopping board and trim the kernels off with a knife (cutting the cobs of corn is the safest way to trim off the corn kernels).
  3. Place the warm kernels of corn in a large bowl along with the red peppers and cover with cling-wrap. Allow the warm steam to help cook and soften the diced red peppers for about 15 minutes.
  4. In a blender (or small food processor or stick blender), puree the onion with the vinegar, hot water and mustard. Slowly add olive oil until combined. Season the vinaigrette with salt and pepper, then toss with the corn salad along with crumbled Feta. Taste, adjust seasoning. Reserve.
  5. Bring scallops to room temperature and pat-dry. Drizzle the scallops with olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Place a large non-stick skillet on your stove top set to high heat. Drizzle a bit of oil in your pan and sear the scallops for about 2 minutes or until golden-brown. Turn and sear other side for a minute. Turn heat off and leave scallops in pan and after 1 minute add the butter into the pan and swirl to melt.
  6. Divide corn salad and plate and top with three scallops per person. Spoon some pan juices over scallops and serve.
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