Home » Bread » Pork Belly and Halloumi Sandwich

I am still having fun with my Panini Press and it triggered a memory I had of a sandwich I would serve at Toronto Street Food festivals almost a decade ago. I first had a pork belly and Halloumi sandwich back in 2001 during a visit to New York City.

Pork belly is located on the underside of the pig, the belly. Most of us have had this meat in its other form – bacon. Pork belly has to be one of the tastiest cuts of pork, might have to do with the fat content (ya think?). Last year I went bonkers by just simply grilling the pork belly and finishing with fresh-squeezed lemon juice and dried Greek oregano.

PRO TIP: If you wish an easier method to cooking pork belly, simply season it with salt, pepper, dried Greek oregano. Place on a rack with a sheet pan underneath and place a cup of water in the pan (this will prevent the fat from splattering in your oven) and place in a 350F oven for 45 minutes or until browned and crisp.

For these grilled pork belly and Halloumi sandwiches, I halved some light rye bread baguettes, lightly toasted them on the grill and inserted the juicy pork belly and grilled Halloumi.

Then there’s Halloumi cheese. The squeaky cheese (it squeaks when you bite into it). This remarkable cheese from Cyprus holds-up well over heat and it’s wonderful when fried, roasted or grilled. Many peoples love and produce Halloumi but the PDO (protected designation of origin) stuff comes from Cyprus. A Greek or middle-eastern food mart will sure offer Halloumi on their shelves and here in Toronto, many supermarkets carry it too!

This sandwich needs little by way of condiments…I chose crisp Romaine lettuce leaves and ripe, sweet tomatoes – nothing else. The keys to this most-satisfying sandwich are the Halloumi, the good bread and the pork belly. For this instance, I sliced the pork belly (contra), along the short side of the belly (opposite side of slicing it to form bacon slices). I left the fat and the skin on as most of the fat will render and the texture of tender pork meat, buttery thin layer of fat and the crisp, rendered skin are a combo too good to deny.

When grilling pork belly, you have to use medium-high heat on your grill and you MUST keep a watchful on them as flare-ups can and will occur. Chicken on the grill will easily flare-up so just think what pork belly will do if you wander off to the kitchen or go sit by the cooler and have a beer with the boys. Stick to your post at the grill, watch over your pork belly and you’ll be rewarded with one of the juiciest grilled meats one can have. So simple, kinds decadent but OH so delish!

Grilled Pork Belly and Halloumi Sandwich

(per sandwich)

2-3 slices of thick-cut pork belly (cooked)

sea salt and fresh ground pepper

fresh-squeezed lemon juice

dried Greek oregano

two slices of Halloumi cheese (1/4 inch thick)

Bread of choice (try light rye, texas toast slice, sub bun)

tomato slices

  1. Pre-heat your gas or charcoal grill and you’re looking for a medium-high heat (be able to count to five when placing your hand over the heat). Using a sharp knife, cut your pork belly into 1/2 inch slices off the short side of the slab of meat. Season both sides with coarse salt and fresh ground pepper.
  2. Brush the grill surface well, ensure there is not residue from your previous grill session. Place your slices of pork belly on your medium-high grill and grill each side for about 6 minutes or until crisp and brown. Don’t be afraid to move your pork belly to another part of the grill if a flare-up occurs, resume grilling.
  3. After you have grilled your pork belly, place off to the side of your grill and keep warm.
  4. Now place your slices of Halloumi cheese on the grill and sear for 1 1/2 minutes a side. Remove the grilled Halloumi, baguette and gather your pork belly and it’s time for assembly.
  5. Squeeze some fresh lemon juice over your pork belly and sprinkle some dried Greek oregano over the meat. If there are any juices from the pork in the platter, brush your baguettes with them.
  6. Preheat your panini press. Place the pork, Halloumi then tomato on your bread and place second slice on top. Spray cooking spray on both grill surfaces and cook for 3-5 minutes or until cheese begins to to melt and your bread has nice grill marks.

25 Responses

  1. Love, love, love pork belly . We make it often on the BBQ but never considered it in a burger…..it is also very affordaboe around here!!

  2. Σκέτη απόλαυση πρέπει να είναι αυτό το φαγητό!!
    Και ο συνδυασμός με το χαλούμι…. σούπερ!!

  3. Not for the diet-minded but it sure looks lip-licking yummy! I so agree with you about the importance of the quality of bread. Only difference is, I go to a baker for it. Kudos…you do it all!

  4. Although I haven’t yet grilled pork belly myself, I sure do love to eat it elsewhere! These sandwiches look amazing! When I was younger I worked for an accounting firm owned by Cypriots and every weekend we would order lunch from a local Cypriot restaurant in Astoria. My go to was a lountza-halloumi sandwich that is so simple yet oh so GOOD! I love the pork belly you’ve paired with the halloumi though … and all it’s smoky, fatty goodness.

  5. this couldn’t get much more extraordinary, from the bread to the use of the grill to the gorgeous hunks of meat to the tasty, tasty cheese. bravo!

  6. Gosh, what a tremendous array of foods here but the pork belly is quite an attention getter. There’s something in fresh pork that always arouse my appetite and look the combination with halloumi makes it more irresistible. Thanks for sharing this.

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