Home » Seafood » Seafood Pilaf

Seafood Pilaf

This dish was supposed to be served this coming Sunday for a Supper Club (since post-poned due Corona Virus upheavel). Inspired by a seafood pilaf dish I had in Kavala, I’ve made it super easy to make and the dish utilizes a seafood medley: a frozen package of mixed seafood.

You could easily make this more posh with fresh mussels, clams, shrimp. I will when the Age of Corona is over and I’ll make this a killer seafood pilaf. WASH YOUR HANDS!

Kavala Style Seafood Pilaf

(serves 4)

1/3 cup extra-virgin olive oil

1/2 cup diced white onion

1/3 cup diced green peppers

3 cloves of garlic, minced

1/2 cup fresh parsley, finely chopped

1 Tbsp. tomato paste

1/3 cup tomato sauce (Passata or fresh grated)

1/4 tsp sweet paprika

1 bay leaf

1/2 cup dry white wine

1 cup par-boiled long-grain rice (Uncle Ben’s style), rinsed

1lb. (454 gr.) Frozen seafood medley, thawed overnight in fridge

3 cups of hot vegetable, seafood or chicken stock (or water)

salt and pepper to taste

4 Tbsp. unsalted butter (optional but tastes great)

  1. Place a medium sized pot on your stovetop, medium heat. Add the onions, garlic and sweat for 5-6 minutes or until translucent. Now add half the parsley, tomato paste and stir in and cook for another couple of minutes.
  2. Add the tomato sauce, paprika, bay leaf and stir in. Add the wine and rice and stir in, simmer for a couple of minutes.
  3. Add the rice, stir in then add the seafood medley and stock and bring up to a boil. Season with some salt and pepper and once boiling, cover and reduce to medium/low.
  4. Simmer, stir bottom occasionally while covered for about 20 minutes. There  should be some liquid remaining and the rice should be cooked. If not cover and check in 5 minute intervals.
  5. Adjust seasoning with salt and pepper, add butter and remaining parsley, stir in. Spoon into portions or platter and serve.


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2 Responses

  1. This sounds absolutely delicious. With a few small adjustments it can be made strict fast ready. But I can also make it as printed. Thank you

  2. Great recipe but you don’t say when to add the green peppers and you added the rice twice. So….I added the peppers with the onion and garlic, and added the rice after the wine. Love the recipe!

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