Home » Pasta » Lemon Carbonara Spaghetti

Lemon Carbonara Spaghetti

IMG_5696Most of you who are food enthusiasts (freaks) like myself, you’ve noticed by now that many items on your grocery bill have gone up.

One glaring spike in prices is with lemons. Limes I can find for 6 for $1, oranges are decently priced but lemons? The best deal I’ve found so far this year is 2 for $1.

Are lemons going to become a luxury item? Will we have to resort to using bottles of “real remon” juice? I don’t think so.

Citrus is a staple in our house and if Canada didn’t have a pipeline of oranges, lemons & limes heading up north, we’d be the scurvy capital of the world.

To help ward off any signs of scurvy, I whipped up this light but substantive pasta dish, borrowing from the style of Carbonara , where egg yolks make the sauce. Lemon Carbonara and the YES….success. Basically, I’m sweating some onions and garlic ’til translucent, then I hit the pan with some fresh squeezed lemon juice and take off the heat and reserve.

While your pasta is boiling, whisk some egg yolks with cream, grated Kefalotyri cheese and lots of cracked black pepper and sett aside until your pasta is done.IMG_5700-001

Lemon Carbonara Spaghetti
(for 2)

1/4 cup olive oil
1/2 onion, diced
3 cloves of garlic, smashed

2-3 Tbsp. dry white wine
juice of 1/2 lemon (add more at end if you like it more tart)
zest of 1 whole lemon
2 egg yolks
1/4 cup cream
1/2 cup grated Kefalotyri or Romano cheese
lots of cracked black pepper
2 Tbsp. chopped fresh chives
2 Tbsp. chopped fresh parsley
approx 200 grams of dry spaghetti (or other thin pasta)
reserved pasta water
salt to taste

  1. Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Add a good amount of salt upon boiling and add your linguine. Cook as per package’s directions.
  2. In a skillet over medium heat, add your olive oil and onions and garlic, wine and sweat on medium to low heat for about 5 minutes or until soft and translucent. Add your lemon juice and set aside.
  3. In a bowl, whisk your eggs, cream, black pepper and grated cheese and set aside.
  4. When your pasta is done, reserve some pasta water then drain and now add the linguine into the skillet along with the egg/cream mixture, lemon zest and some pasta water.
  5. Toss the egg/cream mixture until the residual heat of the pasta has turned the mixture into a creamy sauce. Taste and adjust for seasoning and add the chives and parsley before giving one final toss.
  6. Plate and serve immediately with a chilled bottle of Gerovassliou Malagouzia.
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55 Responses

  1. Looks great Peter. I am getting some really nice lemons at my farmer’s market right now. 4 for $1. Maybe I’ll bring you some!!!

  2. Nice picture! This sounds good I make a lemon pasta too which is mostly lemon and cream – but I just love pastas with egg yolks. They just make everything taste so rich.

  3. A lemon carbonara sounds great! I noticed that the lemons have been expensive lately. I hope they come down when they start coming from North America again.

  4. You’ve picked up on what I’ve been complaining about all week. No lemons at costco (where I usually buy them by the bag) and at the supermarket they were $2.35 APIECE. It was shocking. I don’t think I can cook without lemon.

  5. Its all getting so expensive. Great flavorful dish. I love lemon. I used to suck on them until it wore away my tooth enamel.

  6. Lovely dish! Love the fact that this dish doesn’t have cream. I’ve looked at other lemon pastas before and they seem to be heavy on the cream.

    Have to clip this to try soon.

  7. ok, your version of this dish photographed so much nicer than mine!! mine looked like undressed mush in a bowl.and i respect you for giving paula’s attempt a try and i know that your culinary instincts kicked in the minute you saw that “i want to pretend your at applebees” sour cream addition. i wanted to throw up at the thought of it.

    why, paula/????? WHHHHHYYYYYYYY!???

  8. The price of petrol has one up astronomically here in SA and with that everything else too. Just your plain ol’ vegetable oil has doubled in price in the last year.

    I am fortunate enough to have two lemon trees in my yard – one mayer and the other has got the rough skin. Thanks for ginving me this recipe – this morning when I got up. was the first morning I had no idea what to cook tonight.

  9. The price of petrol has one up astronomically here in SA and with that everything else too. Just your plain ol’ vegetable oil has doubled in price in the last year.

    I am fortunate enough to have two lemon trees in my yard – one mayer and the other has got the rough skin. Thanks for ginving me this recipe – this morning when I got up. was the first morning I had no idea what to cook tonight.

  10. The price of petrol has one up astronomically here in SA and with that everything else too. Just your plain ol’ vegetable oil has doubled in price in the last year.

    I am fortunate enough to have two lemon trees in my yard – one mayer and the other has got the rough skin. Thanks for ginving me this recipe – this morning when I got up. was the first morning I had no idea what to cook tonight.

  11. The price of petrol has one up astronomically here in SA and with that everything else too. Just your plain ol’ vegetable oil has doubled in price in the last year.

    I am fortunate enough to have two lemon trees in my yard – one mayer and the other has got the rough skin. Thanks for ginving me this recipe – this morning when I got up. was the first morning I had no idea what to cook tonight.

  12. The price of petrol has one up astronomically here in SA and with that everything else too. Just your plain ol’ vegetable oil has doubled in price in the last year.

    I am fortunate enough to have two lemon trees in my yard – one mayer and the other has got the rough skin. Thanks for ginving me this recipe – this morning when I got up. was the first morning I had no idea what to cook tonight.

  13. The price of petrol has one up astronomically here in SA and with that everything else too. Just your plain ol’ vegetable oil has doubled in price in the last year.

    I am fortunate enough to have two lemon trees in my yard – one mayer and the other has got the rough skin. Thanks for ginving me this recipe – this morning when I got up. was the first morning I had no idea what to cook tonight.

  14. The price of petrol has one up astronomically here in SA and with that everything else too. Just your plain ol’ vegetable oil has doubled in price in the last year.

    I am fortunate enough to have two lemon trees in my yard – one mayer and the other has got the rough skin. Thanks for ginving me this recipe – this morning when I got up. was the first morning I had no idea what to cook tonight.

  15. The price of petrol has one up astronomically here in SA and with that everything else too. Just your plain ol’ vegetable oil has doubled in price in the last year.

    I am fortunate enough to have two lemon trees in my yard – one mayer and the other has got the rough skin. Thanks for ginving me this recipe – this morning when I got up. was the first morning I had no idea what to cook tonight.

  16. The price of petrol has one up astronomically here in SA and with that everything else too. Just your plain ol’ vegetable oil has doubled in price in the last year.

    I am fortunate enough to have two lemon trees in my yard – one mayer and the other has got the rough skin. Thanks for ginving me this recipe – this morning when I got up. was the first morning I had no idea what to cook tonight.

  17. the pasta looks delicious. shame about having to chuck out food, but some ‘famous’ chefs don’t have any idea what they’re presenting to people to eat

    i know that i can’t do without lemons in our horta, but please can someone tell me with what scruples the greek government can allow dairy companies to sell pasteurised milk at 1.5 euro a litre (or more), as much as petrol effectively.

  18. Ooh, this is really something. You know, since I don’t have any kids and booze is my only habit, I don’t mind splurging on gorceries. It’s still cheaper than going out. :)

  19. Really nice dish! I make traditional carbonara a lot, but I love the addition of lemon.

  20. We usually drink margaritas to ward off the scurvy. Seems to work just fine.

    I make a lemon pasta with orecchiette, yours “sounds” terrific as well.

  21. wow..that looks awesome!…nice way to make…yeah price rates going up is something so alarming!

  22. Great recipe! I think lemons and cream are a match made in heaven. I’d add some spinach to this to boost the vegie content.

  23. I’ve paid up to $1 for a lemon. It’s time to plant a tree!
    That pasta dish is beautiful, Peter. The ingredients mouth-watering, the photos even more so.

  24. Ah, another summer favourite of mine. I like to throw in some summer veg, too, once in a while – some asparagus, or courgettes, or broad beans. Just as delicious!

  25. this sound fantastic peter! i always think lemon are great on pasta, i bet this lemon carbonara of yours is lip smacking good!!

    limes are the one really expensive here in france..;as for lemons if i want really cheap i could just buy the ones from spain :-) or probably i should cultivate my own soon hahaha

  26. That looks really good. I love Lemon pasta and am always anxious to find a new way to make it!

  27. Mmm, looks so good. And I can get to Toronto in about a half hour… what should I bring?
    & I’m with you on the lemon prices, hubby will only buy 2 at a time from the shopping list. We are using a lot more limes this summer.

  28. to me, lemon = refreshing and cream and cheese = sinfully delicious. that said, this is clearly a winning dish. me likey. :)

  29. This pasta dish reeks of summery goodness. Add some prawns to this and I’m all over it.

    What struck a nerve with me in this post was your mention of the price of produce/groceries/everything. Last night, while trying to relax in the tub, I made the mistake of picking up the latest issue of Money magazine. While thumbing through it, I ran across an article addressing ways to grocery shop (and cook) to save money in the long run by making basic meals. To a food enthusiast (ok, freak) like me, it was a downer. (Not that I like to cook or buy everything expensively, for instance when shopping for lemons, it’s just that I like to cook what I’m wanting to cook—not what appears on someone else’s checklist.)

    If prices keep going through the roof though, I may have to plan ahead more and start rethinking ways to cook & entertain, by getting more creative with my shopping versus strictly cutting back on specific items. There are semi-indulgent ways around price increases, right? (At least that’s what I keep telling myself.)

    Here endeth my rant.

  30. Lovely photo… and yes, lemons are getting more and more expensive… and they are a luxury I refuse to give up on. Fortunately a little goes a very long way.

  31. Lemons are cheaper here and I suppose that in Greece are non expensive too!

    My brother loves Carbonara spaguetti or linguine and always adds some bacon in it. I never cook them this way always with tomatoe sauce but these sound so fresh… MMmmmm

  32. Judy, bringing produce over the border…nah..bring cheap booze!

    Kat, I wanted some protein, hence the eggs.

    Kevin, still 2 for $1, oh well..there’s always limes.

    Laurie, you have to pay up or go for that juice in a bottle…I didn’t think you would! lol

    Glam, you serious? I’d luv to see your sourpuss face!

    JS, there’s a touch of cream but this dish would work fine just with the yolks.

    Never Full, I made Paula’s dish on the insistence of someone else, despite my worries. Why do I listen to women?

    Nina, you are lucky and you watch, people will cultivate more of their own crops.

    Maria, I get suspicious of these TV cooks who go Yum, Ummm, almost have an orgasm when tasting their own food on TV. It’s like they are trying to fool you…it’s all in the taste.

    Mary, thanks…though creamy, it was still light.

    Heather, I’m in the same boat as you but it’s something quite noticeable. I’m going to jump if booze prices skyrocket or make a still!

    Sticky, I love the old skool carbonara and ya know what…I’ve yet to post one!

    Dhanngit, I noticed that…limes being expensive in Europe…low demand I presume.

    Lori Lynn, I like to ward off scurvy with lemon drop shots! ;)

    Srivalli, thanks and welcome aboard!

    Christie, thanks for the idea…I’ll try adding some more green next time.

    Christine, where you live – citrus should grow just fine…get planting!

    Joanne, this was str8 up easy.

    Natashya, welcome and it’s nice to see a fellow blogger from the GTA!

    Meghan, what cigar ya smokin’?

    Grace, me likey the chipmunk photo!

    Patricia…exactly…fresh & delish!

    Sandie, it’s a domino effect and it worries me. Not that I’ll have to eat less or smarter but that people in other parts of the world are actually rioting and fighting over food shortages!

    Ann, I’m with you…lemons…I always check if we have enough lemons.

    Nuria, countries like Espansa & Greece grow their own lemons…indeed cheaper. We get our lemons from Florida and Mexico.

  33. Pasta looks amazing as usual. I saw that lemons had gone up, but I thought it was just because I was buying organic.

  34. This looks lovely and summery, Peter. These are just the sort of meals I’m enjoying right now.

    The Nuria-inspired mint pesto is similar and would work well on cold or hot pasta, I believe.

  35. I agree – great picture. I just want to dive in and help myself. What a fresh sounding pasta dish.
    Everything has gone up here too: pasta, dairy and yes… lemons. I’m deeply concerned about the future for my gin and tonics!

  36. Your food always looks delicious!! and I love the lemon in the pasta, my mouth is imagining it now…;-)

  37. Hi Peter – Just wanted to tell you that I enjoy your posts nearly everyday – don’t always get a chance to comment, but bravo on the zucchini, the shrimp (nice pics!) and all the great pasta dishes. You are so amazingly prolific on the cooking and blogging – do you ever eat take out?!?!?!

  38. I’ve watched the price of lemons inch up from 4 for $1 to 2 for $1. And yet, there’s no substitute for the flavor of a lemon. This pasta looks wonderful!

  39. Wow, this would be the total bomb with grilled shrimp alongside and a big green salad …. I’m book marking this for when I have company next weekend! Thanks, Peter!

  40. Hi Parker, it was delish, indeed!

    Pam, sadly no…they’re expensive this yr…thanks “globalization”.

    Jen, although not diet food, this is still light…lemony fresh.

    Antonia…LOL…thank goodness I take limes with my vodka & soda. ;)

    Johnna, thanks for your kind words…allow me to feed you!

    Kat, the lemon gives if a nice “pep”.

    Lisa, thanks for taking the time to leave a note. We all sometimes are busy and it’s hard to keep up.

    Gracias, Gloria!

    Lydia, we still go through the same amount of lemons. I never realized how integral they are ’til this yr.

    Lean, I’m going to try this with a side car of shrimp…I’m in!

  41. Good job I bought a lemon tree then! It’s still alive amazingly, and grwoing lemons too (good going for me – not too good with plants).
    Peter I love this lemon linguine of yours – it looks so nice.
    Did you save me some?
    Sunday is nearly here…Off to some sunshine!

  42. Now that’s sexy food! Yum!

    I think the worldwide lemon shortage is something to do with the weather. I’ve noticed a price hike here too – and lemons are something we are never without. Not sure we could coax a lemon tree to grow in Ireland though!

  43. I watched Paula make her version of this dish on the Food Network. Thanks for the update. I had wanted to give it a try with all that variety of pasta in my pantry:D

  44. Very nice recipe! I too cannot believe the price of lemons… I find myself trying to incorporate limes (sometimes in a failed attempt) into my food much more often…

  45. I love how many gorgeous women you attract (sorry Kevin) to your blog. You hot chef you!
    As Paris Hilton says: ‘that’s hot’.

  46. Peter, I was about to make a ‘great minds’ comment – I made lemony pasta (tho tomato based) last night.

    But then I realised I’m days and days late in my reading – so maybe I’m just copycatting ;)

    It’s great to be back and catching up :D

  47. I love lemon…orange, not so much.
    This looks wonderful, and, lucky for me, lemons aren’t going up in price. On the other hand, oranges are now out of season here and limes are always an expensive rarity…
    Good think I love lemons!

  48. I’ve had something like this – I think it was a Nigella Lawson recipe – and it was divine! I think your additions of herbs are inspired!

    Apparently there is a huge lime shortage as well, so those prices are likely to go up soon!

  49. Fabulous dish! So creamy and inviting. I love lemon spaghetti, I feel hungry right now.
    I love your blog, so many great recipes!

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