Home » Herbs » Arogaia Rain-Fed Herbs From Greece

IMG_2954I love receiving packages – it could be a new cookbook I ordered or a package with some unique product sent to me by the many friends I have around the world. Such was the case yesterday when a package arrived from Greece, containing dried herbs from Arogaia, a new company.

Many of the herbs that you and I plant in our gardens each year simply grow wild in the countryside and near the shores throughout Greece. I can pick rosemary, thyme, mint, sage,and of course, oregano.

Herbs figure prominently in Greek cuisine both for flavour and for the health properties each herb possesses.

These herbs feed of the sun and the only water they get are from the rain – making these herbs strong in aroma and flavour. Arogaia sent me dried rosemary and oregano and as soon as I opened the jars, I could smell the countryside of Greece!

All the herbs are organic and Arogaia ships to anywhere around the world.IMG_2952-001


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