Home » Greek » Preparing for Google Reader’s Termination

feedly-logo-story-topA lot of people subscribe to this site, many using a service called Google Reader, which is in the family of RSS feeds. Google is closing their reader service which will affect how you keep track of your favourite web sites and blogs (like mine).

I will continue to follow my favourite blogs and sites using Feedly. It’s similar to google reader and it’s easy to switch all your subscriptions from Google Reader.

The other problem is choosing a new way to subscribe to my blog and keep up to date with any new posts. Their are plenty of companies scrambling to meet the July 1st deadline and I am confident that I will be able to offer you a new service to keep on receiving immediate updates of my future  posts.

In the meantime, you may use one of the other subscription services in the upper right side of my blog or simply sign up to the email subscription service.

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