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Last night I attended my first ever Greek professional soccer game in the “Tomba” (tomb) area of Thessaloniki. I was hesitant about going because of some the hooliganism I’ve seen on TV but my friend Yianni assured me we would be in a safe part of the stadium and that I may only be “offended” by some Greek cursing.

I sampled some of the cantina/food truck good eats outside of the stadium, then watched PAOK (one of Thessaloniki’s soccer teams) beat AEK of Athend 2-1. Anytime a team from Athens visits Thessaloniki you the emotions run a little higher. Beyond flares being thrown onto the pitch, the game went relatively uninterrupted and at no time did I feel in any danger. But Ohhhhhh, my virgin ears!



PAOK soccer game
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6 Responses

  1. Το σπίτι μου όσο σπούδαζα στη Θεσσαλονίκη ήταν δίπλα στο γήπεδο του ΠΑΟΚ. Έτσι έγινα μια κρητικιά παοκτζού και δεν άλλαξα από τότε :-)

  2. Greek corn on the cob! Yum!! The menace for all dentures out there but delish. Ooooh, the kantina food looks like a sure ticket to acid reflex ;)

  3. Peter-

    I’d been searching the web for a few hours for an authentic Greek yogurt recipe, having poor luck. Most of the links I came across only told me how to mimic the texture of Greek yogurt, but I wanted to know how it is made in Greece, so I could get the protein content right. I got lucky early on and found a reference stating that the milk used in Greek yogurt is cooked for a while, so I knew it was more involved than straining the yogurt. I found your mother’s recipe for Homemade Greek Yogurt over on Blogspot, just before I was ready to hang up the search for the day. It looks wonderful, and I can’t wait to try it.

    I grew up eating Greek and Mediterranean food (in Chicago). Your new site looks great, and I can tell that I’m going to enjoy your blog.

    Thanks again,

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