My friend and regular reader of the blog, Theodore Nanos, sent me a photo he took parasailing high atop of the island of Kos. As always, send your favourite photos from Greece (or from any Greek community around the world) to truenorth67 AT gmail DOT com and your photo may appear on an upcoming Greek Food Gazette!
- The area around the Evros River offers marshlands, history, dining, ruins, museums and it’s overall beauty
- The lure of Byzantium, a few books to consider reading
- I visited the Chania area of Crete this year, here are some reasons why you should too
- Greek cuisine – keeping it nice and simple
- Greece scraps airport landing, landing and stopover fees for 9 months
- Boutari leads the way with Xinomavro wines
If you are not reading this post in a feed reader or at https://kalofagas.ca then the site you are reading is illegally publishing copyrighted material. Contact me at truenorth67 AT gmail DOT COM. All recipes, text and photographs in this post are the original creations & property of the author.
© 2007-2011 Peter Minakis
I’ve never been brave enough to any sort of parascending. Gorgeous view of Kos and it looks like fun – but I’m too frightened to try!
I am learning something new here each time; today I discover who Luz Casal is.
Holy hub caps…. I soooooooo want to go parasailing, it looks like amazing fun. And what better place to do it than this little piece of paradise. :)