- Another favourite stop for Greek food in Salt Lake City is Aristo’s
- Did you know Tommy Lee of Motley Crue is Greek? Find out what Tommy’s favourite Greek food is
- New Bakaliko offers up food items for the Hicksville, Long Island community
- The Greek food and wine scene is alive & kicking in San Francisco…ZHTO!
- Toronto’s Greek Community celebrates Greek Independence
- Folks in Miami are taking in Mama Mia then going out for Greek food at Mezes, in Broward Co, just north of Miami
If you are not reading this post in a feed reader or at https://kalofagas.ca then the site you are reading is illegally publishing copyrighted material. Contact me at truenorth67 AT gmail DOT COM. All recipes, text and photographs in this post are the original creations & property of the author.
© 2007-2009 Peter Minakis
Tommy Lee!!! Greek?!!!!…I had no idea! Thanks for the San Fran links. They will def come in handy!
Cute pictures, Peter!!!
Really, I’m taken aback that Tommy Lee is Greek. Does that explain anything, or everything??? The mystery deepens!
Is this Greek Food Gazette a permanent new feature here on Kalofagas? If so, I like it! It’s fun & quirky, sort of like Tommy Lee ;)
She’s adorable! Wow, did not know Tommy Lee is Greek. I just can’t picture it though.
Hubby and I went to a restaurant for lunch the other day, called “My Big Fat Greek Restaurant”. It was so, so awful! I guess we should have known something wasn’t right when the entire staff was speaking Spanish! So I came home and made him your Chicken Souvlaki for dinner- and he said it was amazing! Thanks for that fabulous recipe!
And yes, I’m still on that anniversary high ;-)
What a cute litle girl :D I love kids pictures when they are caught in fraganti ;D
It is down right cruel to post a pic of chocolate covered loukoumades during lent :)
Really?? Tommy Lee is Greek???
I had no idea!!!
The little girl is so cute!!!!
That picture is so adorable!
The little girl is so sweet! Detroit had a parade this past Sunday.
Thanks for the info and links. Cute picture.