One of the sources of inspiration for my cooking is to be found right here in Canada. I’ve relayed to you how I live in a multi-cultural country where many influences cross, overlap and borrow from each other.
I don’t think one can really “pin down” Canadian food other than it being diverse, both comforting and nouveau and most certainly delicious. One source of ideas comes from a magazine that’s published by the Liquor Control Board of Canada (LCBO). Here in Ontario, alcohol sales are provincially controlled (a monopoly) and that kind of sucks.
One of the positive aspects is their magazine, Food & Drink. Each season is good for one or two editions where innovative and classic dishes are presented and paired with the wines and other spirits on sale at the LCBO. One such dish is the Pork Chops dish I’m going to share with you.
This classic usually comes with a sauce that’s finished with cream but there really is no need here…there’s plenty of flavours coming from mushrooms and red peppers.

Spring is upon us here in the northern hemisphere and for my friends in the southern hemisphere, those evenings are getting noticeably shorter and a tad cooler. This is a dish that serves to feed both camps, a cozy evening in the kitchen, open a bottle of wine, cook up this simple meal and bide your time as a new season is upon us.
Pork Chops With Mushrooms and Peppers
(serves 4)
4 bone-in pork chops
1/4 cup olive oil
1 tsp. dried thyme
some all-purpose flour
sea salt and ground black pepper to taste
1 clove of garlic, smashed
1 lb. mixed mushrooms, sliced
1 small red pepper, chopped
2 Tbsp. dry sherry
1 1/2 cups chicken (or vegetable) stock
2 Tbsp. chopped fresh parsley
- Season your pork chops with sea salt, pepper and the dry thyme and lightly dredge it in flour. Heat the oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Brown the pork chops on both sides and reserve.
- Return the same skillet to your stovetop and add your garlic, peppers and mushrooms over medium-high heat while stirring for about 8 minutes (or until almost no liquid is left).
- Sprinkle a little flour (say a tsp) and stir into the pan and cook out the rawness for about a minute. Now add your stock, bring to a boil and simmer for about 5-7 minutes or until the sauce begins to thicken. Add your pork chops, cover the skillet and reduce to medium and simmer for about another 10-12 minutes.
- Take off the heat and allow the meat to rest (in skillet for another 5-7 minutes). Adjust seasonining, sprinkle parsley on top and serve.
I paired these pork chops with a side of Cheesy Potato Pie. The recipe comes from Canada’s TV personality and chef, Micheal Smith. I tried his cast-iron skillet method and it did not invert, let’s say…well. I baked them off in ramekins, popped them out and plated them with the pork chops.
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© 2007-2009 Peter Minakis
47 Responses
nothing like a good pork chop, and this one reminds me of one of the best i have ever had myself
What a scrumptious looking meal! Everything on that plate makes me drool!
Delicious! I think these will be perfect during these “cooling” months…I like how they cook in a sauce and the sides are very complementary.
Looks incredible Peter! I love that a magazine that the LCBO puts out and my family saves it for me for when I come up there or for when they come down!
I need to start using my new cast iron skillet more, and this is a perfect excuse!
Lovely chops!
Haven’t had a pork chop for ages. Like you mention, I usually pair them with a cream sauce. This looks like an interesting alternative that would also be lower in fat. Mind you, I’d be tempted to pair it with the cheesy potato pie too!
I have almost the same photo of the St. Lawrence market from when I visited Toronto 2 years ago. Loved Toronto, loved the St. Lawrence market…you’re in a great city! P.S. A lot of nice flavors in the pork chop dish. Sherry, red peppers and mushrooms really compliment each other.
Everything that comes out of your kitchen looks amazing! I want to start eating at your house!
Whenever I need my meat fix I can come over to Kalofagas and always find something tasty and delicious.
now that’s a meal! no dessert needed after this bad boy dish.
Mmm these look PERFECT. I’ve never met anything with mushrooms that I didn’t love. :)
Great-looking pork chops! Sounds great with mushrooms and red peppers!
Nice looking dish! Properly cooked, pork is a wonderful, filling dinner.
Here in Pennsylvania, we have a state run monopoly, as well. I find it hilarious that the state has just issued a $175K contract to teach manners to liquor store employees, so they can learn to be helpful and thank customers. Now there’s a job for you: Teach basic life skills to overpaid state employees who think they are underpaid.
What a nice looking pork chop! Another lovely dish Peter – the pork with mushrooms, peppers and the sherry Yum!
Another incredible meal Peter. The pork chops look perfectly cooked.
Yeah, I’m finally able to get logged in! I’ve had some computer woes loading your blog. I’d have no problem whatsoever eating these gorgeous pork chops! I bet they taste great both with and without the addition of cream. The peppers bring so much color to the party! And your cheesy potato pie is calling out to me. YUM!
Great dish. I love peppers and I love pork. I think I need to have some pork chops for dinner this week.
Oh, and btw, thanks for providing the potato pie link because I kept looking at the photo and wondering what tasty thing was that was next to the tasty pork chop.
I had pork chops tonight and I WISH it looked as good as yours. The taste was not bad, but it looked horrible!!!! Potato pie is SOOO tempting!!!
Another great pork chop recipe from you Peter. You don’t list the chops in your ingredients, but from what I can tell you use the bone in thick ones… always a winner. Bookmarking this one!
Peter you have done it again. You guys eat good in Canada.
I can almost taste those pork chops! They are perfectly browned.
Just a glance at that luscious meaty picture, and I was sold on this post. Then again, you always make food that I’d flip for.
Bone-in thick chops rule.
Very hearty dinner that is. The potatoes really top it off!
that’s a huge slab of pork and it has successfully ignited my appetite. scrumptious.
That’s a real meal!!!
Looks very tasty and delicious and perfectly cooked:))
Some of my favorite pork chops are those my dad also enjoys and sometimes makes (usually it’s my mom) with red peppers and vinegar.
Your version looks amazing; I love the addition of mushrooms and the sherry. And those potatoes sound divine …
Mmmm… pass me a plate and a glass of wine. :)
Just right up my alley. It sounds delicious.
This is the type of food which will make me shed tears of joy if I eat it. Looks so delicious and comforting.
Perfect balance of flavors on this plate… Yum!
mmmm.I would gobble this right up Peter!
Hey Peter — I’m a little late to the party but wanted to congratulate you on the wonderful new (and expanded) web site!
I love a good mushroom and pork combination — this recipe is mouthwatering :-)
Fabulous photography, love the site!
Looks great Peter! Every time I look at your photos with mushrooms in them, the mushrooms look fabulous I have concluded that you are a master at mushroom photography.
Looks delicious Peter!
Getting that great, free magazine ALMOST makes up for paying 2x-3x more than the American price for booze!!
Love the spuds too, even though they behaved badly and refused to invert properly for you! ;)
I have yet to visit Kalofagas and find a post that didn’t make my mouth water. I’m not a huge fan of pork (ate too much of it growing up), but this dish is giving me serious cravings.
I was in Toronto a couple of years ago and went to St. Laurence market. The cheese shop was great. Maybe you could do a post explaining the Canadian Bacon with the split peas on it.
The potatoes look so good I am almost distracted away from the pork. Almost.
mmm mmmm mmmm that looks so amazingly good! (good thing I don’t keep kosher)
Yeah, St Lawrence Market, my favorite place in Toronto. I have not cooked pork chop very often, maybe should give a go after looking at yours!
Peter, This dish looks excellent!! What more can I say,……really yummie:)!!!
I couldn’t agree with you more peter: cream is totally un-necessary here. Very nice krasomezes indeed and I think the Paros Reserve will suit it well.
Oops the Paros reserve was for the octopus..oh well, it still matches this dish!
Peter, I would like you to know that last evening I made this dish and it truly was a hit all around the table. Everyone truly enjoyed it!!!
Thank you for sharing this great recipe!
I would’ve skipped the cream as well. Sounds like there’s enough rich flavor in there.
Just checked out your video by the way. Cool stuff.
These pork chops look amazing! I’m always looking for new ways to make them.