Home » Snacks » A Simple Greek Sandwich

Roast some red peppers. Place in a paper bag to sweat for 30 minutes or so and peel the charred skins off. Season with sea salt and drizzle with extra virgin olive oil.

Get yourself a slab of Greek Feta cheese.

Toast a homemade sesame seed bun and place some roasted red peppers in the bun, with a slab of Feta. Sprinke some dried Oregano and enjoy one of the easiest and tastiest sandwiches will ever have.

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68 Responses

  1. It certainly is attractive, but I can’t imagine any of my guys waiting half an hour for their sandwiches! Feta cheese makes everything good…

  2. Mmmm … I dig it!I could eat stuff like this seven days a week. I recently made a recipe that called for the raw red peppers to be peeled before cooking! Yep, raw pepper peeled. That was a first for me. Believe it or not, it was easy to do and the peppers ended up baking beautifully. Now I’m craving a feta pepper sammy. YUM!

  3. Yeahhhh, I bought some peppers at the market on Friday, so guess what we are having for supper tonight??? Delicious!

  4. Great idea! Will try it soon! What happened to your pastourma post? I was at work when I saw it and decided to leave it for later…you know to “savour” it ( I know I am slightly demented), and now it’s gone!

    Anna MTL

  5. I was just thinking about a post at Accidental Hedonist, with the subject “top five food items that people indulge in when wishing to treat themselves“… I would say in my ultimate 5 point list of comfort treats anything Feta and olive oil and crispy bread and Greek veggies comes in the top three – even before chocolate and candy :D

    And would you believe that, there are guys out there who eat margarine when they feel blue :O wth is wrong with the world?!

  6. I LOVE the simplicity of this sandwich. What is better than cheese, veggies and olive oil on bread????

  7. Super yummy and delicious.
    Bookmarking them.
    I love feta cheese.
    I always buy them in bottels , they are in cuves and marinated with herbs. And i eat them on my toast bread.

  8. This is one of those sandwiches that absolutely depends on the quality of the ingredients. Cheese that’s too dry or salty could ruin it completely.

  9. All I had to see was that big chunk of feta in that first photo to think “MMMMMMMmmmmmm!” — without reading a single thing, not knowing one bit what went into the sandwich thereafter.

    Good one Peter. Just simple flavors joining forces to make an amazing sandwich indeed.

  10. you’re right about this. it could also be the perfect greek snack with just some pita or a loaf of bread and some olive oil. ohhh baby. i’m in such a snacky mood right now, me wants.

  11. Peter do you know, that because of you, I eat way more feta than I used too. Your photos and combo’s of feta make me crave it that much more. I make my crazy feta salad now 2x a week. (feta, hot peppers, marinated mushrooms, kidney beans, garbanzo beans, black olives, red onions, red peppers, and a touch of creamy caesar).
    So, this sandwich has me drooling again!

  12. YUMMEH. Oh, I bet this would rock your socks off with grilled Haloumi, too. That feta is so pristine against the smoky red peppers.

  13. At first I thought you were just going to layer feta cheese in between the roasted red peppers. I would have been happy like that! :)

  14. It can also be a starter to a meal, if cut into canape size! Nice combination of crisp and chewy, too.

  15. My husband and I agree – this looks absolutely gorgeous! I just called him over here to look at it and drool over it with me. :)

  16. That is without doubt the most tempting sandwich I’ve seen in A LONG TIME!! Actually I want it. I think I even crave it!

  17. Well there is nothing better to me than a good sandwich Peter! I am really obsessed with them! I also like to make feta, and red pepper sandwiches and i spike mine with s touch of chilli. Yours looks totally decadent. I am living the liberal use of feta!

  18. hallo peter i'am a student from the beautiful chania–>crete–>greece;)
    just found this blog and i really love it;)
    …kalofagades emeis oi ellhnes:)

    p.s=just wake up and i think i'll make one of those sandwich for breakfast:)

  19. I love roast red peppers in sandwiches and can just imagine how good it would be with Feta. Do you drizzle any olive oil on top, or is the olive oil in the peppers suffcient?

  20. Absolutely. Probably the best sandwich I ever had was a little mayo, very very ripe plum tomato slices, lots of feta and some fresh mint.

    It’s better with feta :)

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