Home » MISC » Lights, Camera…Kalofagas

Here it is, the clip you’ve been waiting for…a snippet of the filming I did this past summer while in Athens, Greece.

I spent the whole day filming which began with gathering some footage at Athens’ Varvakeios market, followed by a day of having myself filmed while preparing three dishes and having myself introduce two other chefs with two of their dishes.

We concluded the day with some footage in and around the hotel where we filmed and a send-off on the hotel’s rooftop overlooking Athens.

I may seem repetitive but I would like to thank Dimitri Vorris, the producer/writer/director who went out on a limb to produce this pilot, Athinagoras and Christos – the two chefs who filmed with me on that day and the Fresh Design Hotel in Athens.

This day was fun, a learning experience and it gave me a whole new respect for those food personalities who work hard to make a TV show. Just think about it…those food celebs are spending 12 hours a day to make a 30 minute program for you, the viewer.

The footage from this filming was never meant for sale as a TV show but to serve as a “pilot” or promotional piece to sell the idea of “Kalofagas” for TV media.

Myself and some friends are currently sending DVD copies and clips to people who we think such a concept could be of interest to.

There are two other dishes prepared for me, Dimitri can surely edit them and send them to me and with your support and encouragement…more clips will arrive here in no time at all!

Sit back, enjoy and please offer your comments and feedback in the comments section below. This was a learning experience for myself and I along with Dimitri would like to hear what you have to say.


98 Responses

  1. Firstly, let me say I thinkyou’re quite a natural in front of the camera. Very professional and just as good as some of those professional shows I watch on the food channel. I’m also impressed with your knife skills! Lastly, it was good to hear what you sound like…I only wish you had spoken a little more Greek! Bravo Pandeli!

  2. Bravo Chico!!!! I’ve been missing some forefronts here, but otherwise, your video looks so profesional :D. Your voice sounds so calm and didactic… A very good job!!!
    One thing I could change, if I might tell you, is the background music while you cook the spaguettis, that… tara, tara, tara… the one at the start is stronger and has more character!
    Maybe I’m talking too much :D Just want to help ;D
    He, he, your hands were firm and not shaking at all… Really profesional. I like it :D

  3. I love the idea! I think you should pursue this idea, it would make your blog even greater. Like Peter, I think you are a natural and it was nice to hear your voice and to see that you are taller than I expected, LOL.


  4. you’ve done a great job. you seem comfortable and professional in front of a camera. kudos to you and your team.

  5. WOW Peter! I am speechless after watching such a terrific culinary exhibition! I must say it’s an absolutely perfect work! I joined other opinions already mentioned: you’ve got a nice, firm voice, your hand is steady, you look confident and pedagogical and maybe, the only thing I could add is that you’re just lacking of an apron and chef’s hat to look like a true “Grand Chef”! Hehe! I found funny that I also noticed you’re taller than I thought, as Ben said, haha! All the best for the project and congratulations, Felicidades Peter! ;-)Nat

  6. The only thing missing was an American sous chef from Florida with blonde hair…:)
    Seriously, a very well produced clip; you looked comfortable and authoritative, and I enjoyed the scenic view in the beginning.
    P.S. One thing you might want to think about for future tapings is a taller table. Since we all work at our kitchen counter tops, I was distracted by the height of the table you had to work on.

  7. Very, very cool Peter. You did such a good job!!! My girls were fascinated by how fast you chopped, lol! I loved reading the comments from other people. I guess because I already know you and we have spoken!

  8. Peter you are a real TV fellow.
    Loved the clip, hope you do get a TV SHow.
    Love the way you talked the audience through the ingridients and you are a real pro with the knife.

  9. Peter, how fun watching you cook. I agree, you seem like a natural at this with a very pleasant voice and a nice manner in front of the camera. Bravo! Look forward to seeing what happens next in this adventure.

    And, the spaghetti sounds divine!

  10. Peter it was so fun to get to see you like that. I can see you have a future in this. You should totally try out for Next Food Network Star

  11. Peter, I think you did a great job! They need to give you a higher counter though, lol. Seriously, very professional and I would watch your show for sure. It’s so interesting to see you in action after reading your blog for so long :)

  12. Hey Peter! Glad we finally got to see you in action – I’m very impressed. My comments mostly reflect the others – you came across as very professional and relaxed, and both your food and style was inviting to the viewer.

    I too found the low table somewhat distracting, and would have preferred alternative spaghetti music – but these are minor quibbles in the face of an excellent professional clip.
    Bravo – looking forward to more!

  13. Great job, Peter! As many people have noted, you have a strong voice and professional presence. I only have a couple suggestions – when announcing the ingredients, the first two items would likely not be familiar to non-Greeks so an explanation of these cheeses would be helpful. My second suggestion is that it would be nice to hear more info about Greece and the dish you’re making while you’re cooking (stories, history, anecdotes, etc.). All the best if your TV quest!

  14. This is a great idea — and I’d concur with the rest of the crowd. You seem a natural at it.

    This is exciting stuff!

  15. I loved your video! I agree with Ben, for some reason I didn’t expect you to be so tall.

    The only suggestion I can think of is to have the ingredients in the recipe in the same order you point them out. I was trying to follow along with reading it when you were pointing and I got confused. Of course I get confused easily…

    I’d watch your show!

  16. I was pleasantly surprised how comfortable you looked in front of the camera. Not sure how nervous you actually were, but you appeared relaxed, jazzed and came across as very informative without being forced.
    A beautiful job! Best wishes to you and your crew. Success would be very well deserved.

  17. Great Job Peter. Good Luck. Ok you asked for comments. I could flatter you as much as you would like to hear but my advice would be next time wear gloves. At home we may cook as we like but on T.V. it would be wiser to be careful about some minor details. I would prefer the background music to be Greek music but not necessarily bouzouki.

  18. Woohoo! That was terrific, Peter! You’re a natural! And, check out those knife skills! Good luck with the project.

  19. clearly peter, you love doing what you do, and i wish you all the very best for the future of kalofagas.
    are you thinking of a greek audience? if so, you clearly need to polish up your pronunciation and become more fluent in greek.
    congratulations on your debut, i loved watching you, and you looked like one of those professional cooking dudes we see on the telly.
    clearly you are taller than the average tv cook; either that, or the table was too low!

  20. Peter, I thought you did an amazing job. The knife skills are excellent and in the speed up – even more so :). If you’re really asking for feedback – here’s my 2 cents worth – I think it’s a familiarity thing but keeping your eyes up to the camera more gives you a better relationship with the viewer. And while you’re at it – try to smile and look like you’re having so much fun.

    I could never do what you did without uhm’ing my way through it so kudos to you. I especially like that you made the dish that you used for Tried Tested and True Two – I’m all farklempt

  21. Peter my friend. Will you remember me your groupie when your famous? You are anatural. I love the opening footage , just would have went with more onstrumental or typically Greel Modern music. Great camera presence. I love the idea of live settings like Tina Nordstrom. I think Anthony Boudain better watch out beacuse you have the wit and edge. I want to see more of that too! Great job.

  22. Loved it Peter, congrats on taking your passion and talent one step further. You just need to get yourself a “tag line” and you will have your own show in no time.

  23. Wow! I am hugely impressed! You are a natural, so calm and relaxed. As a side note, your voice is so similar to Mark Bittman’s!

  24. Great video Peter! I loved the opening scenes of Greece set to the upbeat music,and I really enjoyed watching you cook and hearing your voice. Very nice all around! Go for it! When you get your own show, let us know when it airs and on what channel here in the US so we can watch.

  25. Peter- you are a ROCK STAR. That was terrific. I loved your instruction, and you seemed very comfortable w/ the camera. Wow, you’re quick with those knives! :)

    Suggestion… would love to see the ‘filler’ quiet time filled with stories about Greece and its food. For example… ‘many people might associate pasta with Italy, but in Greece it’s actually quite common as well.’ Or to talk about the cheeses that you used. I had heard of Mizithra but not the other. Maybe the origins of them and what they’re typically used for etc. Hope that helps :)

  26. Watch out food network….heeeere comes Peter!! Wow, fantastic job, you’re a natural. I have been so busy since I came back from Greece and I am only now catching up with blogreading

  27. Your blog is as droolworthy as ever! (sorry I posted before having finished my thought…I am totally scatterbrained these days)

  28. My comments are in line with everyone else’s – both good and critical. Higher table, engage the camera more… my remark was really going to be that the writing, or lack thereof if you’re speaking “off the cuff,” needs to be a bit tighter. You were a tad repetitive or unsure, only at a couple of points, but it’s the kind of thing that TV makes very noticeable. I guess I just feel that it needs to be more polished overall.

    On the plus side, you seem knowledgeable, easygoing and dedicated to what you do. Those qualities alone make people relate to you on camera. Another really good thing – the shots of Greece, you shopping, etc. beforehand are a great intro. What a beautiful and interesting country. Can’t wait to see it someday.

  29. You were great! You have a natural talent.

    However, I would have loved to see you speak directly to the camera more and nix the “elevator music” in the background.

    Great Job!

  30. You did wonderful, Peter! I was waiting for you to taste the food at the end. I want you to mangia with gusto and say “Oh Boy! That is great!” Maybe even let it run down your chin haha
    Good luck, my friend!

  31. You are a regular Mark Bittman! Seriously. You have such nice stage presence. Great job. I want to go back to Greece! It’s so beautiful.

  32. You are a regular Mark Bittman! Seriously. You have such nice stage presence. Great job. I want to go back to Greece! It’s so beautiful.

  33. You are a regular Mark Bittman! Seriously. You have such nice stage presence. Great job. I want to go back to Greece! It’s so beautiful.

  34. You are a regular Mark Bittman! Seriously. You have such nice stage presence. Great job. I want to go back to Greece! It’s so beautiful.

  35. You are a regular Mark Bittman! Seriously. You have such nice stage presence. Great job. I want to go back to Greece! It’s so beautiful.

  36. You are a regular Mark Bittman! Seriously. You have such nice stage presence. Great job. I want to go back to Greece! It’s so beautiful.

  37. You are a regular Mark Bittman! Seriously. You have such nice stage presence. Great job. I want to go back to Greece! It’s so beautiful.

  38. You are a regular Mark Bittman! Seriously. You have such nice stage presence. Great job. I want to go back to Greece! It’s so beautiful.

  39. Jan ,thanks.

    Peter, the show would be in English for a int'l audience, subtitled for Greece.

    Thanks Rosa!

    Nuria, the music will be changed…for sure.

    Ben, thanks…I'm 6'2!

    Thanks Arundathi.

    Nat, apron – good point.

    Foodalgue, the low table was uncomfortable for me. It will be changed.

    Judy, thanks…chop-chop-chop!

    Thanks Happy.

    Kalyn, I'm excited too!

    Kat, thx, we'll see where this goes.

    Thanks Darius.

    Thx CEF!

    Elly, the higher table fer sure!

    Anonymous…I can't please everyone but I do appreciate your boldness, you know…being anonymous and all.

    Thanks mary.

    Kittie, thanks and I couldn't agree more.

    Allen, god points…better organization w/ ingredients and yes…storytelling – you're absoultely right…thx!

    Thx Lo!

    Thx Mike!

    Mary, you're right, the ingredients read out to correspong w/ script.

    Bridget, I was actually nervous and thanks!

    Ivy, thanks and yes, a change o f music. As for the gloves, here's where I diasgree with you. Latex or other gloves can actuallybe dirtier than hands, many people are allergic to them and it's an excuse to not wash one's hands.

    Most cooking shows that I've seen show cooks with bare hands and frankly, the gloves would make a show look too "clinical". Bottom line, I would never use gloves, I wash my hands, kitchen and utensils thoroughly and I always have a bottle of Purell to quickly disinfect my hands too.

    Sticky, thank you!

    Kiwi, thank you. To answeryour question, the show would be targeted to intl audiences and if a Greek station picks it up, subtitles would be included. As for my Greek, the longer my vacations in Greece, the sharper it gets. Practice, prectice, practice.

    Giz, you're right but that low counter top kept my head down and there were some nerves…valid points and I agree.

    Glam, thanks…I'm looking for a sidekick!

    Parker, thx..any suggestions?

    Pam, thanks…I'll go listen to Bittman & see.

    Jen, thx….there's a long way to go.

    Lori, you're right – more banter & story telling during the cooking. I think I need a sidekick.

    Anna, thank you so much and great to see you here again.

    Melissa, you're right and there were some nerves involved and time constraints (1 day to tape) with little practice or prep…next time the end result will be much more polished.

    Helene, merci and thanks for the email too!

    Thx Kevin.

    Les, I love G n' R but not for a cooking segment. Autograph…where/what do I sign? lol

    Thanx Natashya!

    Maryann, we would have but we needed the food for more pics later in that day.

  40. I’ll get to say I knew you when! You did so well. The first section of your video made me catch the next plane to Greece, and then I felt like staying home and making your pasta dish. It looks fantastic and certainly easy enough to tackle at home. Kudos to you and much success may it bring you.

  41. I want to wish you the very best of luck for your new Kalofagas venture Peter, although I don’t think you will need it. I was genuinely impressed by your video, I think you seemed really comfortable in front of the camera and what a fantastic tan!! I must say, the anticipation to see what you sound like was killing me! These things can sometimes be a bit uncomfortable to watch but i really enjoyed it. Well done!

  42. WOW Peter. You are a STAR! Not surprised. I think you have something fresh to offer food viewers. Learning about the foods of Greece, watching you prepare the dishes, and hearing the correct pronunciations of Greek foods, all very informative. Good luck with your project!

    Pass me that spaghetti!

  43. i give you credit, peter. you’re putting yourself out there for kudos and criticism. it takes a woman/man w/ a big set of balls to be open to that.

    i think you were very natural, but i want to see more of your personality out there! you strike me as not a very subdued person in real life and (without becoming a rachel ray or paula deen) you can definitely put your spirit in there a bit more. shit, you chose Paradise City as your theme song! love that btw… but throw a bit of axel rose into your swagger! You were totally calm, cool, collected and confident which is essential. i don’t think i could’ve done this. i so give you credit and you’re awesome!

    also, speak more greek – it’s sexy and totally gives you street cred.

    great job, peter!

  44. Peter, You are a natural, you seem very at ease, and in your element.
    The camera didn’t show enough of your face, and I would have loved to hear some stories about you and your family while you were cooking.
    Bring out more of that huge personality you have, and I just know your going to be a star!!!

  45. Fantastic Peter! I couldn´t be!! Im a little nerveous!!
    Love it!!

    Peter Love your voice !!!!
    xxxxGloria and love how you cook LOL

  46. Peter, not a bad first attempt. It is a hard thing to do, staring into the camera and reflecting that every movement one makes will be recorded for a potential audience. I think you did just fine. Others have already pointed out the main points which I would underscore, but on the whole you did not do too badly at all. Bravo.

  47. oh my god, congratulations! the video is so awesome and professional! You sound really good & natural too. Love the recipe too. All the best~ I'm so excited for you!

  48. A star is born!

    You were awesome! A natural. I also liked the soothing Greek music in the background.

    Great job.

  49. Congrats, Peter! This is awesome. You have a natural voice and physical presence for the camera. The dish was a good one to feature too — fresh, easy to prepare. As a cook, I really appreciated the list of ingredients on the screen. One thing to consider if you do this again is to say more about the food, the plating, your Greek heritage, your family, the cheese… Tell your story. You are such a natural at this! I’m so excited for you. This represents a lot of thought and excellent work. Bravo to you and Dimitri!

  50. As with everyone, good job and really impressive putting yourself out there. I have done some stuff on camera in past jobs and I know it is nerve-wracking to keep track of what you are saying. I hope that in future efforts you tell us more stories. I thought your Sifnos post recently was so very good, and that would make a great episode. Similarly, a little voiceover about the market might have worked–I assume you got the ingredients for the pasta at the market. Also, maybe a little more discussion of greek cheeses and I bet the NAmerican market is unfamiliar with it. These are I am sure all things you have thought about. GREAT JOB really.

  51. As with everyone, good job and really impressive putting yourself out there. I have done some stuff on camera in past jobs and I know it is nerve-wracking to keep track of what you are saying. I hope that in future efforts you tell us more stories. I thought your Sifnos post recently was so very good, and that would make a great episode. Similarly, a little voiceover about the market might have worked–I assume you got the ingredients for the pasta at the market. Also, maybe a little more discussion of greek cheeses and I bet the NAmerican market is unfamiliar with it. These are I am sure all things you have thought about. GREAT JOB really.

  52. As with everyone, good job and really impressive putting yourself out there. I have done some stuff on camera in past jobs and I know it is nerve-wracking to keep track of what you are saying. I hope that in future efforts you tell us more stories. I thought your Sifnos post recently was so very good, and that would make a great episode. Similarly, a little voiceover about the market might have worked–I assume you got the ingredients for the pasta at the market. Also, maybe a little more discussion of greek cheeses and I bet the NAmerican market is unfamiliar with it. These are I am sure all things you have thought about. GREAT JOB really.

  53. As with everyone, good job and really impressive putting yourself out there. I have done some stuff on camera in past jobs and I know it is nerve-wracking to keep track of what you are saying. I hope that in future efforts you tell us more stories. I thought your Sifnos post recently was so very good, and that would make a great episode. Similarly, a little voiceover about the market might have worked–I assume you got the ingredients for the pasta at the market. Also, maybe a little more discussion of greek cheeses and I bet the NAmerican market is unfamiliar with it. These are I am sure all things you have thought about. GREAT JOB really.

  54. As with everyone, good job and really impressive putting yourself out there. I have done some stuff on camera in past jobs and I know it is nerve-wracking to keep track of what you are saying. I hope that in future efforts you tell us more stories. I thought your Sifnos post recently was so very good, and that would make a great episode. Similarly, a little voiceover about the market might have worked–I assume you got the ingredients for the pasta at the market. Also, maybe a little more discussion of greek cheeses and I bet the NAmerican market is unfamiliar with it. These are I am sure all things you have thought about. GREAT JOB really.

  55. As with everyone, good job and really impressive putting yourself out there. I have done some stuff on camera in past jobs and I know it is nerve-wracking to keep track of what you are saying. I hope that in future efforts you tell us more stories. I thought your Sifnos post recently was so very good, and that would make a great episode. Similarly, a little voiceover about the market might have worked–I assume you got the ingredients for the pasta at the market. Also, maybe a little more discussion of greek cheeses and I bet the NAmerican market is unfamiliar with it. These are I am sure all things you have thought about. GREAT JOB really.

  56. As with everyone, good job and really impressive putting yourself out there. I have done some stuff on camera in past jobs and I know it is nerve-wracking to keep track of what you are saying. I hope that in future efforts you tell us more stories. I thought your Sifnos post recently was so very good, and that would make a great episode. Similarly, a little voiceover about the market might have worked–I assume you got the ingredients for the pasta at the market. Also, maybe a little more discussion of greek cheeses and I bet the NAmerican market is unfamiliar with it. These are I am sure all things you have thought about. GREAT JOB really.

  57. As with everyone, good job and really impressive putting yourself out there. I have done some stuff on camera in past jobs and I know it is nerve-wracking to keep track of what you are saying. I hope that in future efforts you tell us more stories. I thought your Sifnos post recently was so very good, and that would make a great episode. Similarly, a little voiceover about the market might have worked–I assume you got the ingredients for the pasta at the market. Also, maybe a little more discussion of greek cheeses and I bet the NAmerican market is unfamiliar with it. These are I am sure all things you have thought about. GREAT JOB really.

  58. That was great Peter. I really enjoyed it. You are such a natural at presenting. A very confident performance with no umms or ahhhs to fill the gaps. I would love to see more video clips Peter. Nice recipe too, by the way :)

  59. Wow. I am impressed and share most of the comments already stated. Love the intro, you do great in front of the camera. I think you have lots of personality on your blog and would love to see more of that come through. Of course I dont know you but you seem like a kidder!

    I also would love to hear more specifics about the food and Greece. I am looking forward to more!

  60. I cannot wait to see this, but it will have to be at home as right now anything of online video nature is blocked :-)

  61. You nailed it Peter :-) You come across very well – like everyone else has said, a real natural. Wish I had those knife skills.

    Best of luck with this exciting adventure!

  62. Thanks for sharing a bit of your summer endeavors—how fun! I agree with most of the comments/suggestions here, but when all is said and done, you did a fine job! I hope it brings new adventures & opportunities for you!

  63. P.S. It was good to hear you pronounce the name of your blog, and to know I’ve been pronouncing it correctly all along!

  64. One thing is for certain, TV is in need of a Greek/mediterreanean cooking show. I know I would watch it. And I’m about as Greek as a Cherokee Indian. I especially loved the opening! Only a couple pointers: Engage the audience more. Who or where the hell is Agepa? Perhaps tell the audience a little about Feta and where it comes from. Just fill up the “dead” spots. I’m sure that will come easier with time. Other than that, I think you are really onto something here. I really thought the food looked great and plan on making this recipe. So that is a bonus. Theere are a lot of cooking shows out there (and believe me, I’ve watched a few) that are all style and no substance. In other words, I enjoy the show, but never actually cook the food. Your little spot makes me want to head to the store, pick up some pasta and feta and come home and cook. Back in April, I did a post on my blog called “Ray of Sunshine”. It was about a little mediterrenean restaurant/grocery in my town and how much I love it. I just can’t get enough of these flavors. So best of luck to you. Can’t wait to see the show!

  65. haha.. Love the Paradise city theme. Great pick! and yes, as already mentioned by a few fellow bloggers… you’re tall!
    I think you do a great job in the video. You’re quite natural in front of the camera, if the pilot sells and they put you on TV, i would watch it… but only if they put Giada next to you. Ok kiddiing! :-) Great job! I’m sure it’s not as easy as it seems.

  66. Hello Peter, I just managed to download the clip, my streaming is terrible at work and at home. I read everyone’s comments and agree that you are natural enough in front of the camera, but a bit subdued, which doesn’t reflect your vivacious personality. Higher working surface definitely. However, I really didn’t like the intro. I found it cheesy. Greece is really trying hard to shake off the zorbas-parthenon “retsinia” and there you have it as a first shot! I liked the Agora shots and the rest. Also, the song is a bit dated…Maybe cool in the 90’s but not so cool now. The aesthetics of your project need polishing if you really want to make an impression and if you want to sell a product it has to look its best. Also, the choice of the dish is very Italian. No Greek would ever cook pasta like that. Using Greek ingredients don’t make a Greek dish. You cook so many Greek foods on your blog! I am sorry if I come across too harsh, but I do believe you have a lot to offer, and that is not obvious to someone watching the clip.

  67. Hi cousin! This is Lia!!! You were great. I hope see you soon cooking so professional! You were born to be a great chef! Kisses!!!

  68. Sorry it took me so long to comment but I am just getting caught up with everything I missed when I was away. LOVED THE VIDEO. Great to hear your voice. You were very natural on camera – maybe a little too fast the first few minutes but then you slowed down and seemed so comfortable. Great great job! Looking forward to more!

  69. Peter, that was FANTASTIC!! I remember checking out that hotel from one of your other posts and must say that it looks tres chic :)
    You totally rocked that video!! I can’t wait to see more of your Kalofagas segments :)

  70. A really good start, Peter. Honestly, you have a great voice for this sort of thing, and that to me is key.
    I know it’s not easy, I’ve seen some behind the scenes shoots. So many takes!

  71. bravo Peter! I think you looked and sounded wonderful! You were interesting and engaging and the dish was delicious looking… wonderful!

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