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Clams Tossed in Herbs and Spaghetti

As the cooler months approach in Greece, the availability of shellfish also increases. Greece has it’s own mussels, scallops, cockles, razor clams and the subject of today’s dish, clams.

Some of you may not have a good source (or any source) of fresh seafood so if you have to, use canned clams but to capture the true essence of this dish one should use fresh, live clams.

There’s something magical about live shellfish. The liquor or broth that’s released when the shells open up is something akin to culinary magic.

This is a simple, straightforward recipe…just the herbs, wine, some spices and the clam liquor offering up straight-ahead seafood flavour.

For this dish, I used four herbs…oregano, thyme, rosemary and parsley but you may certainly shake-up the herb combo to your liking.

For many of us in the northern hemisphere, we are still blessed with some mild weather and you may have some fresh herbs left in your garden that are begging to be used up.

Go to your nearest fish monger and pick up some fresh clams or mussels.

Cervantes once said, “hunger is the best sauce” but I think this one comes in a close second!

Clams Tossed in Herbs and Spaghetti
(for 4)

1 kg. of fresh clams
2 tsp. of fresh oregano, finely chopped
1 tsp. of dry Greek oregano
1 tsp. of fresh thyme
1 tsp . of fresh rosemary, finely chopped
4 Tbsp. of chopped fresh parsley
1 medium onion, diced
4 cloves of garlic, minced
1/3 cup olive oil
2-3 chillis
2 tsp. smoked paprika
1/3 cup dry white wine
1 500gr. pkge. of spaghetti

  1. Place your clams in a strainer and rinse under cold water. Now place in a bowl and cover with some cold water and add about 1/3 cup of corn flour and let them soak for about 20 minutes. The clams are still alive and as they breath, they still filter water and sand out of their shells. Much of the sand will stick the the corn flour and sink to the bottom of your bowl. Just before you are ready to cook your clams, rinse them again under cold running water and strain.
  2. Place a large pot of water on your stove top and bring to a boil. Now add a good amount of salt and your spaghetti and cook as per package instructions.
  3. Place a large skillet over medium heat and add the olive oil, onions, garlic and smoked paprika and saute for 3-5 minutes for the onions to soften a bit.
  4. Now add your clams, chillis, dry & fresh oregano, thyme, rosemary and white wine and cover and turn the heat to high. Allow your clams to steam for about 5-7 minutes. Your clams should be ready when they have all opened (discard any unopened clams).
  5. Strain your pasta and add it into the skillet with the clams and toss along with your chopped fresh parsley.
  6. Adjust seasoning with additional red pepper flakes, salt (usually not required) and a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil.
  7. Plate and serve immediately.

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46 Responses

  1. My husband makes a version of this that is so good I have stopped eating it anywhere else. My son and I beg him to make it for us and we all end up stealing clams from each other’s plates! Don’t you just love slurping the clam and juice out of the shell (so lady like I know!) It has become our Christmas eve pasta dish!

  2. Hola Peter! I always, always use fresh fish and fresh seafood… but I guess I’m lucky :D. Here in Spain we also have it all year round and it’s such a delish, although it can be expensive sometimes :(

    Those clams juices and flavour would raise a dead man!!!! Great to have it with pasta Mmmmm. Your kitchen flavours must drive everyone in the neighbourhood crazy ;D

  3. Ohh I read about this recipe in the Omnivore’s Dilemma, but I dont like calms so i didn”t bother making it. Looks good though!

  4. I have never had clams, here we get Mussels and that i make them, but then we eat with friets ( french fries).

  5. I have never cooked mussels or clams myself, but I do enjoy eating them when out. I have no idea why but cooking them somehow intimidates me.

  6. Very interesting combination of herbs and spices, Peter. I’d have never thought to pair rosemary with shellfish. The dish looks amazing!

  7. Love, love, love this dish. We do one similar but because of the kiddies we don’t mix the spaghetti in.!!! I bet the sauce is soooo good sopped up with some bread???

  8. Yum! I never get up early enough on a Saturday to get to the fishmonger who sells the good clams. I have to wait until a kind friend (who has a 4 year old who gets her up) offers to make spaghetti with clams for us.

  9. those clams look so delicate and perfect. they are just the right size. I love dipping bread into that magical liquid shellfish release. this dish looks wonderful!

  10. those clams look so delicate and perfect. they are just the right size. I love dipping bread into that magical liquid shellfish release. this dish looks wonderful!

  11. those clams look so delicate and perfect. they are just the right size. I love dipping bread into that magical liquid shellfish release. this dish looks wonderful!

  12. those clams look so delicate and perfect. they are just the right size. I love dipping bread into that magical liquid shellfish release. this dish looks wonderful!

  13. those clams look so delicate and perfect. they are just the right size. I love dipping bread into that magical liquid shellfish release. this dish looks wonderful!

  14. those clams look so delicate and perfect. they are just the right size. I love dipping bread into that magical liquid shellfish release. this dish looks wonderful!

  15. those clams look so delicate and perfect. they are just the right size. I love dipping bread into that magical liquid shellfish release. this dish looks wonderful!

  16. those clams look so delicate and perfect. they are just the right size. I love dipping bread into that magical liquid shellfish release. this dish looks wonderful!

  17. I’m loving everything in that dish even the clams but I don’t like their shells (a sucky faced Jan here) LOL
    I can cope with them once they’re open though – it’s that problem I have with anything snail looking!
    Even so, it’s a lovely dish, bet it was really yummy.

  18. Love this dish and it’s always a fave! I had to laugh at Nuria’s comment about driving everyone in the neighbourhood crazy with your cooking!…LOL

  19. I am amazed that 30 minutes is enough to get the clams clean! That is always the hardest part in my experience.

  20. When my oldest boys were really little, about a million years ago, they called this “clammy noodles”. Even now it’s a favorite! There are no fresh clams here 150 miles inland, short of driving 30 miles to buy some out of the stock of a seafood restaurant, so I have to use canned ones (sigh).

  21. I can’t think of a single thing I don’t like about this post. Never made clam pasta at home but certainly need to. Beeeauuutiful.

  22. Beautiful, and there’s oregano in my herb garden that’s ready to come out. I’m off to the fish market….

  23. Oh sigh, when I see something like this I wish I lived somewhere that I could get fresh clams at a reasonable price. Looks delicious.

  24. Can I send my hubby your way for a dish of this? It is his favorite and I would be forever grateful to you! Even though I am not a fan of clams, this looks so elegant!

  25. that last shot w/ the broth/olive oil in the other side of the clam shell makes me drool. delish. that pasta better be al dente and this would be one of my faves.

  26. I love a big pile of empty clam shells in front of me! Any homes for sale next to you??? Just curious! :)

  27. Hmmm I really need to convince Jon that seafood its his friend. I miss it so much! Stupid question, what’s the difference between clams and mussels?

  28. Although I love the look of this dish I have to admit, I’ve never cooked with clams. Mussels, yes, clams, no. I would imagine it’s the very same cooking process. People say littleneck clams are the best for a dish like this – do you agree?

  29. Really love clams Peter are so nice and tasty!! I was thinking to make some with clams, but I have to go to the store maybe the next week.xxGloria

    PD: Really this blog make me hungry!!

  30. Joanne, nothing's better than home cooked, made just the way you like it and there's always seconds!

    Nuria, one has to also buy seafood in season, that's why you had a hard time finding red mullet in the summer.

    As for my neighbors, we get along very well. ;)

    Ioanna, I thought it was only "kidonia'? Oh well, more for me!

    Happy, mussels would work perfectly fine here.

    Sylvie, fear not…I have written many times on how to clean them…I'd love to help…just ask.

    Sticky, rosemary grows wild in Greece near the sea and a good cooking rule is…"what grows together, goes together"!

    Lucy, I hurt my nose diving in!

    Judy, crusty bread was utilizied here.

    Foody, alarm clock! lol

    Mikky, you;re welcome!

    Kittie, mussels work well here too!

    Kat, it did have an amazing aroma, YES!

    Alexandra, that liquor from the clams is gold!

    Jan, you sucky-face…you will eat clams and YOU will like'em! lol

    Darius, thanks…the camera is a mere Canon A530.

    Pete, Nuria's awesome…makes me smile, be it her smile, her food or humour.

    MaryaNN, I'm waiting…

    Katerina, I've only known to clean the clams this way. Perhaps your source of clams contain more sand? Also, try the corn flour trick.

    Meeta, I love mussels too but this day I was just in a clams mood.

    Marjie, this dish will be fine with canned clams.

    Melissa, really? It's one the easiest & satisfying dishes…really!

    Lydia, gotta love fresh herbs from the garden, eh?

    Kalyn, the canned clams aren't that bad.

    Bridget, bring him as long as you tag along…dish duty! lol

    Neverfull, I'm not surprised you caught that pic…I've love it too!

    Thanks Nicole.

    CEF, when in Toronto…look me up. ;)

    Leslie, exaxctly…classic and easy.

    Brittany, but ya can't help it eh? lol

    Marie, there's one down the street…Toronto's a great city!

    Ben, he's missing out – seafood rocks.

    Giz, clams are easier to clean tan mussels. Email/contact me if you'd like some assistance.

    Gloria, try this recipe put…delicioso!

    Terri, I'm a big fan of smoked paprika. I even sometimes add Chorizo with shellfish.

  31. Funny, I just made a similar dish with canned clams. I prefer fresh, but this has to be my favorite pasta dish. Eating the leftovers today for lunch.

  32. I never get tired of this combo and your version looks deliciious! Tried some recently with linguica which was not bad. Dark beer added to it which was interesting…

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