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Greeks, Beer and Bavarians

One of summer’s biggest pleasures is quaffing on an ice cold beer. My earliest memory of drinking (enjoying) beer was during my visit to Greece in 1980. I was under 16 but that would not stop my uncles from serving me beer (or other spirits) with a meal.

Greece is more renowned for it’s wines and Ouzo but to dismiss Greece a brewing wannabe would also be a falsehood.

Beer was first introduced to the Greeks by the Egyptians in 332 BC but it failed to capture the imagination of the masses.

Fast forward to the 19th century, following the Greek War of Independence from the Ottomans and it’s here that one can really mark the start of Greek brewing.

In 1832, King Otto, a German Prince from Bavaria, was installed by the English and Germans as the “ruler” of Greece. Otto’s 30 year reign was a disaster but one of the few positives was his decision to appoint an official brewmaster.

In steps a Bavarian fellow named Johan Fix. Although he got “canned” when George I took hold of power,Fix decided to stay in Greece and he started his own brewery. Although it took awhile for the Greek masses to appreciate beer, Fix beer stood alone for years as “the beer” to drink.

As I recall, back in that Greek vacation in 1980, if you asked for a beer one usually was given an nice, cold bottle of Fix. There were a couple of other large European players in Greece at the time but Fix’s market share was secure.

The late 8o’s changed the Greek market scene forever. In the old days, one simply ordered a beer and as long as it was cold, no one really trifled over the matter of choice. Then, in the 1990’s, the international brewers were firmly in place in Greece’s market and a Greek (or tourist) could finally choose to drink their preferred beer.

Recent attempts at revitalizing the Fix brand have also occurred and the beer you see in this photograph is from a Canadian brewery, Lakes of Muskoka. The Fix brand as Greeks knew it is long gone but other players in the Greek brewing world have sprouted.

The next time you’re in Greece, you’ll notice all the big name European beers there but do ask your server if they have anything Greek. You’ll be surprised as how good ice cold, Greek beer can be in 40C hot, dry weather.

One of the few places where barley thrives ahead of grapes is in the northeast province of Thrace. The Thracian God, Dionysus, may well be more revered as the Greek God of wine, the sun and agriculture, but a lot of people don’t know that Dionysus also love his beer!

In typical Dionysus fashion, Greeks eat when drinking – drink when eating. I leave you with a lovely, simple meze that contains beer in the recipe and it’s a wonderful appetizer with an ice cold beer. The appetizer was adapted from a recipe on one of Greece’s cooking shows, the Nistiko Arkoudi.

(notes kindly taken from an article titled, “Greece on Tap” by Ben McFarland)

Stuffed Green Olives

1 cup stuffed green olives
1 cup flour

1 glass beer

2 egg whites
zest of
1 lemon

4 Tbsp. coarse bread crumbs
vegetable oil
salt to taste

Preheat your vegetable oil (until approx. 375F).

Beat the egg whites with a hand mixer in one bowl and then add all the other ingredients (flour, beer, lemon peel, bread crumbs) in another bowl.

Fold the egg whites into the other batter ingredients until it’s thick and smooth.

Dip the olives in the batter one at a time and fry them. When they have browned, place them on paper towel to blot the excess oil. Season (if necessary) with salt and serve immediately with some ice cold beer.

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39 Responses

  1. The only Greek beer I’ve tried is called “mythos” and it was quite tasty…surprising really as I didn’t know what to expect. Now those olives look like real treat…I love salty flavours and nothing beats a cold beer to quench the taste from the salt.

  2. I’m with Peter G and have only tried Mythos, raki and excellent Greek wines. I will have to keep a lookout for Fix because we do sometimes find Ontario beers at the liquor store.

  3. Salty, deep fried olives and an icy cold beer? Pass that my way, I have pms!!

    Sorry, that was too much information. The olives look naughty (but nice!).

  4. A nice little introduction to Greek beer Peter! As already mentioned above, there are a number of other Greek beers including Mythos and Marathon, as well as a Cypriot Greek beer called Keo. But Fix remains as the original modern Greek beer. Your accompanying olive tidbits look excellent and I am sure they go down smoothly with the beer. As always, nicely done Peter!

  5. Although I don’t really like beer, I’m fine with it in onion ring batters and this cute little recipe would work. Hey – since you already have it on bubble wrap and have figured out that it would travel – …ahem…ahem…

  6. Greek Beer makes so much sense when you look at the history. And I love me some olives. And you went a fried those babies! Yes. Pass me some and cold one.

  7. Peter, I believe your blog is a living promotion for our country, all Greeks “kalofagades” we are very grateful for this.
    The varieties of our beers are so many, as of our exceptional wines too. I really like “Mythos” beer!
    As of the stuffed green olives, they simply look yummy:))

  8. Ok, I have to try these. I’m thinking anchovy stuffed or blue cheese stuffed…YUM!

    It’s funny about only being offered a limited selection of beers in Greece…it’s the same way here! There are a couple of pubs that offer a wide selection, but most only offer a couple of choices.

  9. Nice post, interesting “history of beer” information!! hehe :-) Ya I’m with the other Peter too, last summer when I was in Greece all I saw was Mythos all over the place! Anyway, this recipe seems like it is designed for a hot sunny day. Plus I can only imagine that the taste of lemon, olives + beer can only be “refreshing” under a scorching hot sun!

  10. the stuffed olives look amazing. I may have to make them to enjoy with a beer at my next happy hour. how fun!!

  11. I am definitely making these for my next party! I’ll bet they’er really great with a cold beer!

  12. I just know I would eat too many of these fried olive delights. This is the best recipe I have seen all day. Thanks Peter!

  13. I’ll join you in that ice cold beer… we’ve got a warm one here today. And I’ll take a coupla those olive thingies too. Looks like a tasty combo!

  14. Pete, Mythos is a great, up there with other Euro brews and yes, the best known.

    Edamame, thanks for visiting..I dropped by yours but it’s in Japanese.

    Val, you can’t get Fix anymore in Greece but it is brewed in Ontario. Fix was THE Greek beer, until about the late 80’s early 90’s. Mythos and about a dozen other Greek beers are now in play.

    Leah, no probs…the salty olives and cold beer were a wonderful match. I drank a few!

    Elly, I heart fried olives.

    Sam, I like Mythos but my point was to shed light on the original big name Greek beer, FIX and I do miss it.

    Giz here…catch!!!

    Glam, these fried olives will be back on the patio table.

    Elena, efaristo poli…my goal is to show what a wonderful cuisine we have…Sthn H’geia mas!

    Nikki, the limited beer selection is of the past…now there’s a wide selection (mostly foreign) but all good.

    Marianna, Mythos is a very good beer and I wish more places carried it there…I would drink it more often.

    Eat, they are easy, quick and delish…the guests will luv it.

    Half-baked..make a cup or two’s worth…they’ll go fast.

    Lisa ,you’re quite welcome…crack open a Steam Whistle…a fine brew.

    Lori, it’s patio time here too…beer, fried olives, beer, more fried olives!lol

  15. Appetizers and beer! That is just what I need! Those olives look sooooo good! Never had a fried olive.

  16. Those olives look great. I can well imagine how wonderful they would taste with an ice cold beer. Best beer I ever had was in Germany sitting in an outdoor cafe in Baden Baden on the hottest day ever. We were so hot and thirsty and the beer came to the table in tall glasses, all iced and absolutely refreshingly wonderful! It will live on in my memory forever as I doubt any other beer will quite come up to it!

  17. Those look delicious! I love olives but have never seen them deep fried before. I am all over this one *drool*

  18. Those look delicious! I love olives but have never seen them deep fried before. I am all over this one *drool*

  19. Those look delicious! I love olives but have never seen them deep fried before. I am all over this one *drool*

  20. Those look delicious! I love olives but have never seen them deep fried before. I am all over this one *drool*

  21. Those look delicious! I love olives but have never seen them deep fried before. I am all over this one *drool*

  22. Those look delicious! I love olives but have never seen them deep fried before. I am all over this one *drool*

  23. Those look delicious! I love olives but have never seen them deep fried before. I am all over this one *drool*

  24. Those look delicious! I love olives but have never seen them deep fried before. I am all over this one *drool*

  25. Those look delicious! I love olives but have never seen them deep fried before. I am all over this one *drool*

  26. Oh this is too too good. Deep fried olives. Peter, you are the BOMB, baby!! Love your food!

  27. Peter look at those little nibbles, brilliant. My favourite Greek beer is Mythos, but then I have to admit I haven’t tried that many others.

  28. Heather, like double-WHOA!

    Nicole, quick & easy..give’em a try.

    Marie, that’s what I did here too. I place wet beer glasses in the freezer.

    Jen, Spock would say “fascinating” too!

    Mary, thanks…wanna olive?

    Sylvie, Mythos is a fine brew. Fix used to be the King.

    Rita, I’ve had TsingTao…not bad beer at all.

  29. Take 2 – Loved this post on Greek beer. I have enjoyed plenty of Roditis over the years, but the beer I will have to try.

    This recipe sounds yummy and perfect for serving on my deck at the parties I’ll host this summer. Perhaps I’ll host one featuring a Greek theme, serving these olives and a tub full of iced, Greek beer & wine. Sounds fun and delicious, doesn’t it?!

  30. Peter, you are doing an amazing job educating us (at least me:)) about Greece, its culture and traditions. Great post! Stuffed olives sound like an interesting appetizer. unique. never seen anything like this!

  31. I’ve had olives with beer at the pub – but never olives fried in beer batter! Looks very good indeed. The Greeks may be on to something there.

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