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After a week of having mostly lamb, it’s safe to say I’ve had enough of it (for now). I have one other lamb dish to write about but I’ll save it for later next week.

Today’s entry is more about free-form cooking. It’s been awhile since I last had salmon and the fillets at my local market were looking, smelling and feeling very fresh…SOLD! “I’ll have 4 fillets”, says Peter to the old fishmonger.

My next challenge was thinking of side dishes to my salmon. I was inspired by Heather, Gild the Voodoolily, as I almost had a wet dream upon news of her return to the blogging world.

What would I cook for Heather to welcome her back into her blogging stride? A Rachel Ray dish is what!

I recently caught her daytime show and after she was done kissing-up to her guest Rosie O’Donnell, Rachel proceeded to show her audience a roasted Greek salad…SOLD! Heather would love this…..I think?!?!

I suppose all would be forgiven if I told her of my crafty (sneaky) dinner after the fact. The salmon is marinated in Soy, maple syrup, mustard and sesame oil, then grilled to perfection on my super-white-hot grill.

The salmon accompanied by a Spanish style fried potato that are tossed in a smoked paprika and the vegetable part of the dinner program brought courtesy of Rachel Ray.

Make no mistake, the girl irks me like sandpaper underwear but you have to admit, sometimes Rachel’s people come up with some decent grub.

Heather, say AHHHHH…eat your Rachel Ray dinner and shut-up…you’re doing dishes!

Marinated Salmon

4 skinless salmon fillets
1 Tbsp. sesame oil

1 tsp. grated ginger

1 Tbsp. horseradish Dijon mustard
2 tsp. Soy Sauce

1 Tbsp. maple syrup

  1. Add all the above ingredients into a large zip-lock bag and add the fillets. Gently squish the marinade to coat your salmon and allow to marinate for 30 minutes.
  2. Pre-heat your grill to a very hot temperature. Brush off any residue from the grill and wipe/treat your grill with vegetable oil.
  3. Grill your salmon for 3 minutes per side. Serve immediately.

Roasted Greek Salad
(for 4)

1 pint of cherry tomatoes (halved)
2 bell peppers, sliced
1 red onion, sliced

1 zucchini, cut into half-moon slices
olive oil
handful of black olives

salt and pepper
1 slab of feta cheese, crumbled balsamic vinegar
Dried Greek oregano

Pre-heated 400F oven

  1. Add all your vegetables (incl. olives) into a baking tray and drizzle them with olive oil and season with some salt & pepper.
  2. Throw the tray into your oven and bake for about 20 minutes or until some caramelization is noticed.
  3. Place in a serving platter and drizzle with some balsamic vinegar and crumble some Greek feta and a sprinkle of dried oregano.
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40 Responses

  1. You think you’re pretty clever, don’t you? (Some people probably don’t know that I loathe Rectal Ray with the white-hot passion of a thousand suns. But it’s true, I do.)

    My real question though, dear Peter, is why would a Greek draw inspirado for a Greek salad from an American of questionable chromosomal integrity?

    Very funny, Peter. Well played.

  2. You two are funny!
    This looks so appetizing Peter! I am starving. Wish I was having this for dinner. It looks healthier than the pizza we just called out for.

  3. Heather gives you wet dreams! You know how to arouse her passion with Rachel Ray. So your into S&M then because that woman gets her all riled up?Hahaha. It so great shes back. I like this maple syrup idea for a marinade.

  4. This looks absolutely delicious – I have never thought about using maple syrup with salmon before, but on seeing this dish, I am keen to give it a go.

  5. I sooo want those stripy burn marks…maybe i should use markers to stripe my fish fillets?

    I can just imagine all those flavors bursting in my mouth…plus the smoky-ness of the stripy burn marks AWWWWW stopp ittt cant take it anymoreeee

    (is it only me? or does it sound like…adult only writing?- pardon me if yes, pls dun sue me for harrassment)

  6. Not very familiar with Miss Ray…I see she evokes a lot of emotion though!…Overall I really love the maple syrup in the salmon…def will try this as something “different”.

  7. Ooooh, what a loaded post, from wet dreams to sandpaper in the undies…. but I can’t stand that Retched Ray either! Every time she opens her mouth to speak I am totally annoyed. Regardless, she managed to inspire your salmon dish which by the way, is beautiful!

  8. It looks like a wonderful meal, Peter. Salmon is one of my favorites and I love the way you’ve prepared it. That salad is just plain gorgeous!

  9. Heather, you and I share an affinity for white-hot eh? As for the salad, RR is surrounded by “handlers” who provide ideas like this. Do you actually think she could come up with this? On the show, she mentioned Greeks & Togas (twice)….I cringed.

    Nicole, I’m having pizza tonight…you try out some salmon.

    Glam, I was more interested in hearing what that other gas-bag Rosie O’Donnell had to say.

    Kalyn,the salmon was awesome and the salad a pleasant surprise.

    Cake, maple syrup in savory dishes is a Canadian thing.

    Mocharita, you too can have black grill marks too…look for indoor grills.

    Farida, it’s just a touch of maple syrup, nothing overly sweet.

    Pete, maple syrup combined in measured amounts is a wonderful ingredient.

    Leah, RR had nothing to do with the salmon…just that her show triggered the roasted Greek salad.

    Sticky, I’m a big salmon lover too…give this a marinade a try.

    Sher, you saw it too, eh? At least that blonde on the View had the guts to confront Rosie.

  10. Of course I’m not familiar with RR, but your salmon made me crave for some… MMmmmm tomorrow is a good day to go to my fishmonger :D

    I’m so happy Heather is back too! Eventhough I understand half the things she says ;-)

  11. Most people can take or leave RR.I think she was much more popular when she just did promos with the divine miss Oprah. With success come the haters as with all things. Her smashed potato recipe is one I always use. Nevertheless your entire dinner from salmon to potatoes to roasted veggies sounds right up my alley.. S & M or not:D

  12. Just hearing RR’s name sends this creepy shiver up my spine but admittedly sometimes the recipes are worthy of a listen. I like the Asian inspired salmon and also love the idea of roasted vegetables in the salad. The flavour intensity is screaming out to be noticed.

  13. Peter, your roasted Greek salad is colorful and beautiful. Would it be as good without the peppers, to which I am allergic?

  14. Now this is my idea of a perfect weeknight dinner! Love the flavors behind the marinated salmon and roasted Greek salad, regardless of where the recipe originated.

    And the photos? They’re making my tummy growl (or perhaps that’s because it’s lunch time… No, it’s definitely the photos. That salad and the grill marks in the salmon get me everytime.)

  15. Love that Roasted Greek Salad. It looks like it would go really well with the roast chicken I am making tonight.

    Could you please stop being so hard on Heather-she may just go away again! LOL

  16. lol, what a welcome!

    This sounds like a tasty dinner–I’ve never tried the salmon/maple combo before, but it seems like it would be really good.

  17. lol, what a welcome!

    This sounds like a tasty dinner–I’ve never tried the salmon/maple combo before, but it seems like it would be really good.

  18. lol, what a welcome!

    This sounds like a tasty dinner–I’ve never tried the salmon/maple combo before, but it seems like it would be really good.

  19. lol, what a welcome!

    This sounds like a tasty dinner–I’ve never tried the salmon/maple combo before, but it seems like it would be really good.

  20. lol, what a welcome!

    This sounds like a tasty dinner–I’ve never tried the salmon/maple combo before, but it seems like it would be really good.

  21. lol, what a welcome!

    This sounds like a tasty dinner–I’ve never tried the salmon/maple combo before, but it seems like it would be really good.

  22. lol, what a welcome!

    This sounds like a tasty dinner–I’ve never tried the salmon/maple combo before, but it seems like it would be really good.

  23. lol, what a welcome!

    This sounds like a tasty dinner–I’ve never tried the salmon/maple combo before, but it seems like it would be really good.

  24. lol, what a welcome!

    This sounds like a tasty dinner–I’ve never tried the salmon/maple combo before, but it seems like it would be really good.

  25. I’ll try it as soon as possible!!! It seems really nice!!

    thx for everything!!

    kisses from Greece, Peter

  26. Nuria, so you know never to buy fish on Mondays, right?

    Val, RR has some decent dishes but she’d never be invited to one of my parties…unless she was on clean-up.

    Giz, is it her voice or her Rachelisms? lol

    Marjie, I think the peppers are integral but you could try some other veggie.

    Sandie, thanks…grill marks are a must, aren’t they?

    Judy, Heather is a tough cookie…I know she can handle a little ribbing.

    Mike, the maple is subtle and the sweet end is mild.

    Pam, a salmon centerfold?

    Jessy, grilled salmon it is!

    Zaxaroula, efharisto gia ta hairaitismata apo thn Ellada…mats-mouts!

  27. Am I the only person who isn’t familiar with Rachel Ray? I don’t think she’s hit our British shores yet… In any case, despite the fact that she sounds somewhat… dubious… this salmon dish looks like a winner. Bet it was good.

  28. This entire meal is making my tummy growl. It looks delicious! Thanks for sharing these great recipes.

  29. Great salmon recipe, and I agree that RR can come up w/ some good, easy stuff. But surely you have a better Greek salad recipe than RR, Mr. Kalofagas, eh?

  30. Pour RR, she wasn’t too bad in the begining when she still had a soft voice, but now it’s complete overkill! None the less, you can even make her food look good!!

  31. Peter, on monday all fishmongers are closed! Tuesday is their first working day and it’s supposed to be the fresher day for the fishisss. But my fishmonger is the best and she always has fresh fish :D

  32. Antonia, consider yourselves lucky!

    Kristen, it’s my pleasure.

    Erik, salmon is one of my fave fishies.

    Vicarious, one must excite the eye, no?

    Lori, the best Greek salad is the traditional Horiatiki salata.

    Marie, her voice sounds like she stuff stuck in her nose!

    Taste memory, what a lovely description!

    Nuria, that’s right! The fishermen have Sundays as a day of rest, therefore no fresh fish for Monday, ergo…fishmonger closed.

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