Home » Dairy » Cucumber & Dill Dressing

This dressing will be very reminiscent of Greece’s most famous dip, Tzatziki. You could be creative and turn your leftover Tzatziki into a dressing or, follow my easy steps to make a cool, Spring dressing to usher in the warmer months ahead.

It’s nice to see more & more people are not afraid to eat garlic. In Greece, no one gives a damn about that upcoming business meeting, the impending hot date or breathing on your house guests. Practically everyone’s eating garlic and so…we all stink the same and we can’t really tell who stinks more!

However, we are here in Canada (and the US) and one must be wary of our social norms and unfortunately, we cannot be of garlic breath 24/7.

Having said that, if you’re worried about the affect garlic will have on your social circles, try chewing & eating a small handful of parsley. It won’t totally eliminate the smell but it will greatly reduce it.

Cucumber & Dill Dressing (Αγγουρι ανηθο Dressing)

1/2 English cucumber
1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt
1/4 -1/2 cup milk
(depending on how thick/thin you want your dressing)
2 Tbsp. mayonnaise
2 tsp. lemon juice
1 green onion, minced
1 clove of garlic, minced
2 Tbsp. chopped fresh dill
1/4 tsp. black pepper
salt to taste

  1. Using your box grater, grate your cucumber into a strainer (with a bowl underneath). Sprinkle some coarse salt over the shreds and allow the water from them to leech for 20 minutes. Squeeze any remaining liquid out of the shreds with your hands and place in a bowl.
  2. Add the remaining ingredients in to the bowl and stir to incorporate. Adjust for seasoning with salt and pepper. Refrigerate in a tight jar for up to 1 week.
  3. Serve over greens of your choice.

41 Responses

  1. My Iraqi friend was very excited to make his favorite side dish, a tazeek (as he pronounced it) for me. Lots of hype, waited and waited, and then he brings in…tzatziki. Which is fabulous, but I did point out I’d had it before with a different name. “No, no, it’s not the same thing, this is a tazeek”. A few more rounds of that and I gave up arguing and just enjoyed.

  2. Looks lovely, but I won’t touch it – cucumber gives me vile indigestion. Actually, I often make a similar dressing with buttermilk instead of yogurt and no cukes. Very refreshing and versatile.

    I can however tell you how to get rid of a garlic hang-over: exercise! Lots and lots of exercise. We discovered this one morning after devouring a loaf of garlic bread the night before, when our car wouldn’t start. Fifteen minutes of hard pushing later, that stale-garlic sensation was gone.

  3. Garlic makes your breath smell? Who knew? ;) I am of the garlic eating type.
    Nice salad and dressing, Peter!

  4. The dressing looks nice and refreshing … tempting enough that I just want to take a big spooonful and eat it straight from the jar. :-)

  5. Hey, I’m married with children. I stopped worrying about garlic breath years ago! ;)

    I am crazy about tzatziki. I could eat it by the spoonful. This dressing is for me!

  6. I make an asparagus soup that this would be really good with – just a dollop on the top or swirled if it isn’t too heavy…yum.

  7. I think this dressing will be a great match with fish too. Lovely looking salad.

  8. I think this dressing will be a great match with fish too. Lovely looking salad.

  9. I think this dressing will be a great match with fish too. Lovely looking salad.

  10. I think this dressing will be a great match with fish too. Lovely looking salad.

  11. I think this dressing will be a great match with fish too. Lovely looking salad.

  12. I think this dressing will be a great match with fish too. Lovely looking salad.

  13. I think this dressing will be a great match with fish too. Lovely looking salad.

  14. I think this dressing will be a great match with fish too. Lovely looking salad.

  15. I think this dressing will be a great match with fish too. Lovely looking salad.

  16. I eat garlic most days, maybe I’m bad, but nobody has ever complained yet. I think fresh garlic isn’t actually that bad, it’s the powdered stuff that really makes one smell. The dressing looks great. I can imagine that going with loads of different things.

  17. This sounds good! I’m intrigued by the fact you use yogurt, milk and mayonnaise all together.

    Putting it in a jar is such a good idea – however much you drain the cucumber they’re bound to lose a bit of water into the dip while they’re in the fridge but this way you can just give the jar a shake

  18. This salad shouts SPRING! I will make this dressing on Easter Sunday as a great alternative to oil and vinegar.
    Thanks Peter.

  19. Wow, this looks great. I love the lemon juice/dill flavor combo — a perfect balance to the hell-yes-bring-it-on garlic.

  20. Give me a jar of this awesome stuff and I’ll drown my falafel with it and sleep good tonight! Yummy!

  21. I gotta say, this looks pretty friggin delish (and it’s 10.30AM right now). But, as for your garlic smell remedy, I say everyone must eat the same amount of it so it doesn’t bother anyone else. For some reason I don’t get as bad garlic breath as others, maybe it’s cause I grew up on 6-clove a night dinners? Maybe I actually have horrid garlic breath but no one has had the balls to tell me all these year? Ahhh, whatev… don’t start now.

  22. Kevin, I can’t remember when garlic wasn’t in my diet.

    Antonia, tell your Iraqi friend that he’s dyslexic….it should be Tzatzeek! lol

    Ferdzy, why not walk and eat parsley? lol

    Glam, this is a fab dressing, you’ll luv it.

    Maryann, it’s (garlic) like our cologne!

    Allen, have 2 spoons and screw the breath!

    Sticky, spread the garlic love.

    Giz, that sounds like a great combo!

    Nina, it might be too bold for fish but you may certainly try that.

    Sylvie, bravo….garlic lovers unite!

    Sophie, the dressing is creamy goodness.

    Peter, I added milk so that it’s not too thick, buttermilk or cream would do well too.

    Despoina, you’re very welcome..it’s a refreshing change, yes.

    Angela, I offer you a garlic necklace! lol

    Holler, indeed a cooling dip to counter spicy dishes.

    Amy & Jonny, I don’t care anymore about my garlic “aroma”…it’s the new Chanel!

  23. Yuuummmm. Hey, couldn’t you use buttermilk instead of regular milk? I really want to eat a salad now.

  24. I always make my own salad dressings, as they are easy to prepare and far superior to the preservative filled store bought varieties. Love this dill, Tzatziki dressing. Thanks for this Peter. A must try.

  25. Brilliant!!! Bye Bye Ranch hello Tzatziki! This is being made by me right now!!!!
    Thanks Peter!

  26. Rosie, the jar in this post is all gone!

    Deb, red onions are the best.

    Journey of Life…done!

    Pixie, with all the garlic around here…bad for vampires.

    Maryann, I’m in a mood for Muscatel!

    Heather, of course..milk, cream, buttermilk….all dandy, Sandy!

    Lisa, I was thinking the same thing after this score. More dressings to come. Goodbye Kraft.

    Mary, you’ll make another jar soon as my 1st one’s gone.

    Jessy, I eat BIG salads!

  27. Funny one, Peter! I’m a GARLICLOVER, but my stomach isn’t! Beautiful and different salad, from my point of view!

  28. wow, that dressing does sound inviting Peter! but your asparagus in the post below is calling out to me even more!!:)

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