Home » Appetizer » Okay, I’m Done With Winter

Okay, I’m Done With Winter

I’ve had my fill of snow. Although I was born and raised in Canada, I’ve yet to get used to our winters and I live in Toronto. The rest of the country has it worse we’re only 90 minutes from the US/Canada border.

So, it’s Wednesday night and I’m bored, lots of things I could do but I won’t.

Did I mention I have this freak of nature thyme plant that’s survived the winter thus far? Look at it..it lives! It’s Dr. Jelyl/Mr. Herb.

Someone please explain to me how this anomaly is thriving in the Canadian winter yet my thyme plant that I brought indoors is as drier than Boris Yeltsin’s martini?

Anyhow, since we’re on the subject of booze, may I present a meze for you? Mezedes are Greek appetizers and the usual accompanying drink is Ouzo.

There was about a couple of shots left in the bottle and I needed to make room in the liquor cabinet for new arrivals. Ouzo bottle be gone!

What did I enjoy the Ouzo with? Why it would be this most delicious marinated feta cheese plate. It was easy to prepare and it just requires some heavy lifting by your fridge (marinated for 5 hours).

Offer this simple meze to your guests and let the good times roll!

Marinated Feta With Greek Olives

2 slabs of feta, cut into cubes
1/2 cup black olives, pitted
1/2 cup green olives, pitted
1 large roasted red pepper
(peeled, seeded and sliced)
1/2 cup olive oil
1 small red onion, diced
2 cloves of garlic, thinly sliced
1 Tbsp. balsamic vinegar
1 tsp. fresh thyme
1 tsp dried Greek oregano
cracked black pepper
squeeze of lemon juice

  1. In a large bowl, combine all of the above ingredients and toss gently.
  2. Adjust seasonings and cover with plastic wrap.
  3. Refrigerate for 5 hours for the flavours to marry.
  4. Serve with pita bread or crusty bread and break out the ouzo.
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24 Responses

  1. I agree with enough already!!!! I can’t wait for Spring…fresh garden peas, mesclun, asparagus, rhubarb…..This meze look delcious by the way…reminds me of summer….tomatoes, corn on the cob, cucumbers, new potatoes…..

  2. I just got done running several miles on the treadmill to burn off those cuppycakes, and now I’m too lazy to fix dinner. Why can’t you live next door to me? >:(

  3. Feta is my favorite and with olives, how divine. Awesome pictures. I can see the cold weather has kept you cooking and blogging quite regularly.

  4. You’re killing me Pete. Your food makes me hungry at 8am, now I’m craving feta cheese and olives for breakfast.

  5. Oh, lord. I love feta and olives.

    I love that little thyme plant of yours. We had a rosemary that was TOUGH. It lasted at least a winter or two.

  6. Val, that’s why i made it, I’m in need of patio weather.

    Lisa, food is a thing of love.

    Heather, living next door to you would be scandal…and envy of the neighbors!

    Pixie, you’re right – no Dolmades…will you be patient and wait for my version?

    Emiline, I’m going to remove the snow and check on my super-thyme.

    Ivy, with Ouzo, raki, tsipouro!

  7. He, he the Boris Yeltsin joke made me giggle!
    YOur marinated feta with olives look wonderful and that bread on a side too!
    I have to get an ouzo bottle and see how it feels to be Greek!!!

  8. Meze looks great and fairly simple, which I like!
    Wow Peter, check out that thyme plant! Where is it located ? Does it have dried leaves or mulch around its base? Is it in a pot or in the ground? I like it when plants just will not give into the weather! Shows you how “alive” they really are. When I was in Ohio I have a rosemary plant that is the same way. Not going to give up for nothin’! It was in the ground with alot of leaves around the base and it is in a somewhat protected area in back of the house. I am glad you have a fighter on your hands!

  9. That feta looks so good! How cute it is presented too!

    HOLLER! You still hate olives? I thought we cured you of that (pun intended!) ;)

  10. Nuria, Boris liked his vodka…too much!

    Deb, the thyme plant is in a plastic plant holder, not in ground and no mulch…a remnant of the summer, facing North too! I have other herbs indoors but this year I’ll leave Super Thyme where it is.

    Holler, that’s not nice…it’d be like saying I hate butterscotch! ;)

    Jenn, we’ll strong-arm Holler into liking olives.

  11. would mind packing up a bit of that and shipping it to me!! and the lamb fricasse… a girl is hungry over here!!


  12. Opa, Peter! ;-) You’ve got the right syrup and the right attitude! Down with Winter, haul in Spring!

  13. Feta and black olives, my two most favorite foods! I can’t believe your thyme plant!!! I can’t figure out why mine does so poorly. Do you trim (use) yours lots in the summer?

  14. All of your pictures, including the snowy pics look fresh – fresh and yummy and this is the very reason I have had enough of winter. Last night we popped our last jar of garden-grown Salsa. Now there is no turning back…with the salsa gone, the last lingering taste of Summer, I am officially done with Winter!

    Kathleen Molloy, author – Dining with Death


    La Mort au menu


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